8. Response to Council Motion on Part-night Lighting by Councillor Brighouse PDF 224 KB
Forward Plan Ref: 2025/009
Contact: Sean Rooney, Service Lead - Highway Maintenance
Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CA8)
The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:
a) Note the proposal to undertake a full and thorough consultation, including early engagement with key community groups as set out and presented to Place Scrutiny on the 5th February 2025 (Place and Overview Scrutiny report: Review of Street Lighting and Illuminated Assets policy framework proposals for part night lighting)
b) Approve a community led approach to any part-night lighting proposal, through an application made by the town/parish council (if there is one) and the local county councillor, which following this request will include an area specific public consultation.
c) Request that officers;
i. Keep councillors informed through regular updates on progress of this work, through locality meetings and/or by way of an all-member briefing.
ii. Ensure that there is full engagement from a cross section of users in the update of the Street Lighting Policy and development of Part night lighting regime framework.
iii. Undertake a full, thorough and robust Equalities Impact Assessment for the updated Streetlighting and illuminated assets policy, as well as the Part night lighting framework and during each stage/element of a project.
iv. Bring the proposals to Cabinet in the summer for decision together with any wider changes to the council’s existing Street Lighting and Illuminated Assets policy
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