Issue - meetings

Response to Council Motion from Cllr Middleton on Badger Culling

Meeting: 25/02/2025 - Cabinet (Item 8.)

8. Badger Culling pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader of the Council with Responsibility for Climate Change, Environment and Future Generations

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/374

Contact: Teresa Kirkham, Head of Countryside and Waste (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CA8)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


a)    Re-affirm the Councils opposition to badger culling


b)    Note that a specific policy about badger culling not being permitted on Council-owned land will be presented for adoption in due course


c)    Note that the Leader has written to DEFRA making clear the council’s  continued opposition to the cull and any extension in size and scope.




Recommendations approved.