6 Standing Advice - Transport Development Minor Planning Applications PDF 419 KB
Cabinet Member: Transport Management
Forward Plan Ref: 2024/373
Contact: Jason Sherwood, Transport Development Manager
Report by Director of Economy and Place (CMDTMT)
The Cabinet Member is recommended to:
a) Approve the decision for the Highway Authority to provide Standing Advice for use by Oxfordshire’s local planning authorities when determining Minor Planning Applications with five or fewer residential dwellings / units.
b) Delegate the approval of the Standing Advice document to the Director of Economy and Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member.
The Chair introduced the item to the meeting, invited speakers to make their addresses and responded to their points in turn.
Officers confirmed that the intention of the document, which was technical in nature rather than strategic, was to steer officers in the planning authorities in the right direction.
The Chair raised the question regarding adding car parking spaces to the recommendations alongside dwellings. Officers confirmed that they would take this point away and would form part of the drafting process.
Officers noted that the process would help the Council, as highways authority, and local planning authorities to quicken development processes.
The Chair asked to be sighted on this document through its development and officers agreed to this.
The Chair thanked officers for their work, speakers for their contributions and agreed to the recommendations in the report.
a) Approve the decision for the Highway Authority to provide Standing Advice for use by Oxfordshire’s local planning authorities when determining Minor Planning Applications with five or fewer residential dwellings / units.
b) Delegate the approval of the Standing Advice document to the Director of Economy and Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member.