39 Formal Approval of Early Years Funding Formula 2025/26 PDF 225 KB
Cabinet Member: Children, Education and Young People’s Services
Forward Plan Ref: 2025/036
Contact: Jane Billington – Strategic Finance Business Partner (Jane.Billington@Oxfordshire.gov.uk)
Report by Director of Children’s Services (CMDCEYPS).
The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to
a) Pass the funding increase received by Oxfordshire onto providers (after allowing for centrally retained funding per Department of education (DfE) criteria) and approve the 2025-26 Early Years funding formula for 3- and 4-year-old provision with an underlying hourly rate of £5.53 (excluding the supplements, SEN Inclusion Fund and Contingency).
b) Pass the funding increase received by Oxfordshire onto providers and approve the 2025-26 Early Years funding formula for 2-year-old working parent provision at an hourly rate of £8.05.
c) Pass the funding increase received by Oxfordshire onto providers and approve the 2025-26 Early Years funding formula for 2-year-olds of families receiving additional support at an hourly rate of £8.05.
d) Pass the funding increase received by Oxfordshire onto providers and approve the 2025-26 Early Years funding formula for 9 Months to 2-year-old provision at an hourly rate of £11.05.
e) Pass on the additional 15 hours for entitled “2yrs olds” & “9-months to 2 years old” (new entitlement from 1 September 2025).
The Chair asked if some children would now receive dual funding from both the SEN Fund and the Disability Access Fund referred to in paragraph 11 of the report. The officer confirmed that this is the case.
The Chair remarked that it would be a challenge for the Council to identify all SEN children particularly those younger than 2 years’ old.
The Chair said that given the Schools’ Forum was content, he was happy to approve the recommendations.
a) Pass the funding increase received by Oxfordshire onto providers (after allowing for centrally retained funding per Department of education (DfE) criteria) and approve the 2025-26 Early Years funding formula for 3- and 4-year-old provision with an underlying hourly rate of £5.53 (excluding the supplements, SEN Inclusion Fund and Contingency).
b) Pass the funding increase received by Oxfordshire onto providers and approve the 2025-26 Early Years funding formula for 2-year-old working parent provision at an hourly rate of £8.05.
c) Pass the funding increase received by Oxfordshire onto providers and approve the 2025-26 Early Years funding formula for 2-year-olds of families receiving additional support at an hourly rate of £8.05.
d) Pass the funding increase received by Oxfordshire onto providers and approve the 2025-26 Early Years funding formula for 9 Months to 2-year-old provision at an hourly rate of £11.05.
e) Pass on the additional 15 hours for entitled “2yrs olds” & “9-months to 2 years old” (new entitlement from 1 September 2025).