38 Homes 2 Inspire - Contract Extension and Amendments PDF 318 KB
Cabinet Member: Children, Education and Young People’s Services
Forward Plan Ref: 2024/341
Contact: Caroline Kelly, Lead Commissioner – Start Well (Caroline.Kelly@oxfordshire.gov.uk)
Report by Director of Children’s Services (CMDCEYPS).
The Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care is RECOMMENDED to:
a) agree the extension of the Residential Children’s Homes Contract with Homes to Inspire for a term of 2 years from 1 April 2025 to the value of £7.024m; and
b) delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Children’s Services, in consultation with the Head of Procurement and Contract Management, to finalise the required Contract documentation for that extension.
The Chair asked why the contract was only being extended for two years rather than five and, secondly, why the contract was not being cancelled all together. The officer explained that the Council would not have time to find another provider should the contract be cancelled in March. She added that there would be another opportunity to renew the contract in 2 years’ time and that 2 years provided an opportunity for review.
The Chair remarked that 2 years is not a very long period and that the evaluation would have to be undertaken soon. The officer agreed and said that the evaluation would be done within 1 year.
The Chair asked that future documentation consistently refer to either ‘Homes2Inspire’ or to ‘Homes to Inspire’.
The Chair approved the recommendations.
a) agree the extension of the Residential Children’s Homes Contract with Homes to Inspire for a term of 2 years from 1 April 2025 to the value of £7.024m; and
b) delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Children’s Services, in consultation with the Head of Procurement and Contract Management, to finalise the required Contract documentation for that extension.