Issue - meetings

Proposed 20mph Speed Limit - Land East of Radley Rd, Kennington

Meeting: 27/02/2025 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management (Item 10)

10 Proposed 20mph Speed Limit - Land East of Radley Rd, Kennington pdf icon PDF 762 KB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/338

Contact: Julian Richardson, Highway Agreements Officer (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


a)    Approve the introduction of a new 20mph speed limit on all roads within ‘The Lawns’ residential development in Radely, as advertised.




The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.


The Chair read out a written statement submitted to the meeting.


The Chair stated this scheme was a clear application of County Council policy and guidance.


The Chair thanked officers and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a) Approve the introduction of a new 20mph speed limit on all roads within ‘The Lawns’ residential development in Radley, as advertised.