6. Proposed Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) - Hightown Road Area, Banbury PDF 1 MB
Cabinet Member: Transport Management
Forward Plan Ref: 2024/327
Contact: Emma Palmer, Senior Officer – TRO’s and Schemes (Emma.Palmer@oxfordshire.gov.uk)
Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT6).
The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:
Approve the introduction of parking controls in Hightown Road area as follows:
a) ‘Permit holder only’ restrictions, 8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday on the entire lengths of Lamb’s Crescent, Lime Avenue, Kilbale Crescent and Western Crescent.
b) ‘No waiting at Any Time’ restrictions (double yellow lines) on parts of Swan Close Road, Hightown Road, Lamb’s Crescent, Western Crescent, Lime Avenue and Green Lane as advertised.
c) Include the properties from No.2– 56 (evens) and No.13-37 (odds) Hightown Road in the schedule of eligible properties for the issue of a ‘HT’ permit.