Issue - meetings

Proposed Zebra Crossing - Faringdon Road, Abingdon

Meeting: 10/10/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management (Item 146)

146 Proposed Zebra Crossing - Faringdon Road, Abingdon pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/284

Contact: Jankin Arsalan, Senior Officer – Traffic and Road Safety (


Report by Director for Environment and Highways (CMDTMT7).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


a)    Approve the construction of a Zebra crossing on Faringdon Road in Abingdon, as advertised.





The Chair introduced the item to the meeting, invited speakers to make their addresses and responded to their points in turn.


The Chair noted the high level of support for the scheme and stated that the priority was the safety of school children.


Officers confirmed that the bus stop referenced in the report would be relocated as part of the scheme.


The Chair thanked officers for their work, speakers for their contributions and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a)    Approve the construction of a Zebra crossing on Faringdon Road in Abingdon, as advertised.