Issue - meetings

Approval to Award Contract in Respect of the Construction/Delivery of Abingdon NC5 Missing Link Active Travel Scheme

Meeting: 10/10/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Infrastructure & Development Strategy (Item 44)

44 Approval to Award Contract in Respect of the Construction/Delivery of Abingdon NC5 Missing Link Active Travel Scheme pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Cabinet Member: Infrastructure and Development Strategy

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/272

Contact: Duncan Stewart, Programme Lead – Active Travel Delivery (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDIDS).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to


a)    Delegate authority to the Director of Environment & Highways in consultation with the Executive Director: Resources and Section 151 Officer and the Head of Legal Services & Deputy Monitoring Officer to approve the award of a contract in relation to construction and delivery of the Abingdon National Cycling Network Route 5 Missing Link - East St Helens Street Active Travel Scheme.



The Chair introduced the item to the meeting and invited officers to provide some background information.


Officers explained that the intention was for the contractor to work alongside the designer to create a well-worked scheme. Furthermore, officers stated that the scheme was a good example of co-production.


Officers noted that the scheme addresses the Council’s priorities, and scores favourably on both the Climate and Equalities Impact Assessments.


The Chair noted the benefits that introducing a missing link would have in Abingdon, Radley train station and for cycling routes into Oxford.


The Chair thanked officers and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a)    Delegate authority to the Director of Environment & Highways in consultation with the Executive Director: Resources and Section 151 Officer and the Head of Legal Services & Deputy Monitoring Officer to approve the award of a contract in relation to construction and delivery of the Abingdon National Cycling Network Route 5 Missing Link - East St Helens Street Active Travel Scheme.