Issue - meetings

Community Wealth Building Programme Plan 2024/25

Meeting: 17/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 115)

115 Community Wealth Building - Action Plan and Next Steps pdf icon PDF 278 KB

Cabinet Member: Public Health, Inequalities and Community Safety

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/266

Contact: Emily Urquhart, Policy Officer – CWB Lead (


Report by Director of Economy and Place (CA9)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED:


a)    to approve the project allocation of the existing budget for the Community Wealth Building Programme

b)    to agree the principles laid out in the first iteration of the social value definition statement (at Annex 2), for incorporation into operational policy and strategy



Additional documents:


Recommendations approved.



Cabinet had before it a report regarding policy approaches to tackling deprivation and financial inequality in Oxfordshire over the long term. Community Wealth Building (CWB) was an approach that sought to ‘build wealth’ in local communities by reimagining how place-based organisations could maximise the local benefit of their economic activities. The 2024/25 budget had allocated funding specifically for the development of a programme of CWB actions, and a CWB strategy. The report highlighted the progress of the programme, and the plans for how the entire budget would be spent. 


Councillor Dr Nathan Ley, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Inequalities and Community Safety, presented the report. He emphasised that the focus of the Community Wealth Building Action Plan was on tackling economic inequality within the county by using resources strategically to maximize local benefits. The plan aimed to address deeper causes of deprivation through procurement, employment, and land use. Specific projects included developing the community wealth strategy, supporting business outreach in high deprivation areas, and exploring alternative models in social care delivery.


During discussion, the following points were made:-


·        Members welcomed the plan which addressed inequality and its associated deprivation, highlighting the importance of community cohesion in facing economic challenges and emphasised that the plan was vital for building resilient societies.

  • The need to balance monetary returns with social value in decision-making processes.
  • A member expressed concern about the plan being urban-centric and highlighted the challenges faced by young people in rural areas, particularly in accessing employment and education. He suggested focusing on apprenticeships and employment opportunities in rural areas to address these challenges.

Councillor Ley responded to members’ commentsand commented on the importance of aligning community wealth building principles with economic development, procurement, and employment strategies. He also highlighted the need for continuous engagement with local experts and stakeholders to shape and implement the approach effectively.

Councillor Ley moved and Councillor Sudbury seconded the recommendations, and they were approved.



a)    approve the project allocation of the existing budget for the Community Wealth Building Programme

b)    agree the principles laid out in the first iteration of the social value definition statement (at Annex 2), for incorporation into operational policy and strategy