11. Business Management and Monitoring Report - January 2025 PDF 627 KB
Forward Plan Ref: 2024/215
Contact: Kathy Wilcox, Head of Financial Strategy
Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA11)
The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:-
a) note the report and annexes
b) write off £0.1m owed to the council by a company who are in liquidation. (Annex B, para 107).
c) write off 17 Adult Social Care contribution debts totalling £0.380m. (Annex B, para 110).
d) propose to contribute £5.0m to the Local Government Devolution and Reorganisation reserve from the un-utilised contingency (£3.3m) and unallocated pay inflation of £1.7m, taking the total contribution to £10.0m in 2024/25 (Annex B, para 124)
e) approve the transfer of £1.0m funding from IFRS9 reserves to the budget priorities reserve to support rural active travel measures. (Annex B, para 134 - 136)
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