Issue - meetings

Vehicle Hire Solution

Meeting: 12/07/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Finance (Item 19)

19 Vehicle Hire Solution pdf icon PDF 219 KB

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/209

Contact: Chris Douglas, One Fleet Senior Programme Manager (


Report by Executive Director for Resources and Section 151 Officer (CMDF5).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to authorise the Director of Property and Assets to award, following completion of a compliant procurement process, new contract(s) for vehicle hire to support staff business travel needs across the County Council.




The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.


The Chair noted that the Council’s fleet management policy was not as efficient as it could be and that this solution would try to resolve these issues.


The Chair thanked officers and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a)    Authorise the Director of Property and Assets to award, following completion of a compliant procurement process, new contract(s) for vehicle hire to support staff business travel needs across the County Council.