Issue - meetings

Sustainable school travel strategy

Meeting: 17/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 114)

114 Sustainable School Travel Strategy 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 237 KB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/141

Contact: Kim Sutherland, School Engagement Officer


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CA8)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


(a)            Approve the draft strategy for adoption and publication on the County Council’s website by 19th September 2024.




Additional documents:


Amended recommendation approved as follows:-


RESOLVED to approve the draft strategy for adoption and publication on the County Council’s website by 25 September 2024



Cabinet had before it a report on the proposed Sustainable School Travel Strategy for 2024-25.  The report set out Oxfordshire County Council’s strategy for promoting sustainable travel to and from school and college across Oxfordshire/


Local authorities had a duty to promote the use of sustainable travel on journeys to and from places of education in their area. This duty applied to travel to and from: schools, further education institutions, and 16-19 academies. It was a further requirement for local authorities to prepare a document containing their strategy each academic year and to publish it by such a time as may be described.


Councillor Andrew Gant, Cabinet Member for Transport Management and Councillor Judy Roberts, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Development Strategy, presented the report. The strategy aimed to promote sustainable travel choices among school children, integrating detailed data on school travel choices and preferences. It included comprehensive data on current travel modes and preferences for alternative sustainable options, emphasizing the ambition to align with people's preferences for sustainable travel. The report also identified barriers to sustainable travel and outlined solutions, including improving infrastructure and providing more options for walking, cycling, and public transport.


During discussion, the following points were made:-


  • A member expressed concern about the lack of baseline data for assessing the impact of the strategy. He also suggested that the strategy might not be ambitious enough to achieve the target of reducing road trips by 25% by 2030 and highlighted the need for radical reforms in home-to-school transport, including potential digitalisation and better utilisation of resources.
  • Another member emphasised the importance of maintaining primary schools within communities to facilitate active travel. He also expressed concern about the impact of tighter attendance regulations on bus services and the need for sufficient capacity on peak services.
  • The importance of working with private schools and ensuring they are included in the strategy was highlighted
  • It was suggested that the data by urban and rural areas should be broken down to better understand travel patterns and barriers.
  • The importance of pedestrian crossings for safety and encouraging walking to school was emphasised
  • A member highlighted the role of various stakeholders, including pupils, parents, headteachers, and bus companies, in promoting sustainable travel, and commended the efforts of bus companies like Stagecoach in supporting school travel during disruptions.



Councillor Gant addressed concerns about the strategy's ambition and baseline data. He emphasized the importance of integrating the strategy with other policies and ensuring that all schools, including private ones, were assessed for suitability for sustainable travel initiatives.

Councillor Roberts also addressed specific points raised during the discussion, including the need for better signage and enforcement around schools and the potential for 20 mph speed limits to facilitate safer crossings.

Councillor Roberts moved and Councillor Gant moved the following amended recommendation, and it was approved.

RESOLVED, 8 voting in favour and 1 abstention, to approve the draft Sustainable School Travel Strategy for adoption and publication on the County Council’s website by 25 September 2024