Issue - meetings

Future Council Governance Group - Final Report

Meeting: 23/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Future Council Governance Group - Final Report pdf icon PDF 287 KB

Report by Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer (CA8)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:-


a)    To note the work undertaken by the Future Council Governance Group including the following recommendations for consideration by the Cabinet:


b)    To review the inter-relationship between the Cabinet and Scrutiny and introduce an integrated forward plan which brings together the individual work plans of the Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


c)    To evaluate the cost and processes for a citizens’ panel with a view to selecting one topic in 2024-25 for review by a citizens’ panel and review its success or otherwise before committing to any future panels.


d)    To reinvigorate locality meetings by inviting local stakeholders as necessary and undertake a wider review of locality working including the practicalities of delegating some budgets and allowing recommendations to be made to the Cabinet and Cabinet Members.


e)    To take steps to embed ‘futures planning’ across the Council and for it to become integral part of the decision-making process and scrutiny work plans.

Additional documents:


Amended recommendations were agreed as follows:-


a)    To note the work undertaken by the Future Council Governance Group including the following recommendations for consideration by the Cabinet:


b)    To review the inter-relationship between the Cabinet and Scrutiny and introduce an integrated forward plan which brings together the individual work plans of the Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


c)     To evaluate the cost and processes for a citizens’ panel with a view,  subject to budget, to selecting one topic in 2024-25 for review by a citizens’ panel and review its success or otherwise before committing to any future panels.


d)    To reinvigorate locality meetings by inviting local stakeholders as necessary and undertake a wider review of locality working including the practicalities of delegating some budgets and allowing recommendations to be made to the Cabinet and Cabinet Members.


e)    To take steps to embed ‘futures planning’ across the Council and for it to become integral part of the decision-making process and scrutiny work plans.





Cabinet had before it a report and recommendations from the Future Council Governance Group.  It had been presented to the Audit and Governance Committee on 29 November 2023 by Cllr Stefan Gawrysiak, chair of the cross-party group.  Members of the committee welcomed the findings and recommendations.


The group’s recommendation relating to the formation of the Education and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee was supported at the full Council meeting on 12 December 2023.  The terms of reference for the new committee were developed ahead of Council and were approved at the meeting.


The other recommendations made by the group, including the inter-relationship between Cabinet and Scrutiny, participatory process, locality working and futures planning, would need to be taken forward by the Cabinet, Leader of the Council and individual Cabinet Members.


Councillor Stefan Gawrysiak, Chair of the Future Council Governance Group, presented the report.  He welcomed the establishment of the Education and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee and that the implications for future generations was now being taken into consideration in the Council’s governance processes. Councillor Gawrysiak then summarised the Group’s other recommendations.  He referred, particularly, to the proposals for a Citizens Panel.


During discussion members commented on the following:-:


·       The challenges and benefits of Cabinet and Scrutiny functions working together more effectively

·       The work that had taken place on Citizens Juries


Councillor Fawcett moved, and Councillor Gant seconded the amended recommendations and they were approved.




a)    To note the work undertaken by the Future Council Governance Group including the following recommendations for consideration by the Cabinet:


b)    To review the inter-relationship between the Cabinet and Scrutiny and introduce an integrated forward plan which brings together the individual work plans of the Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


c)    To evaluate the cost and processes for a citizens’ panel with a view,  subject to budget, to selecting one topic in 2024-25 for review by a citizens’ panel and review its success or otherwise before committing to any future panels.


d)    To reinvigorate locality meetings by inviting local stakeholders as necessary and undertake a wider review of locality working including the practicalities of delegating some budgets and allowing recommendations to be made to the Cabinet and Cabinet Members.


e)    To take steps to embed ‘futures planning’ across the Council and for it to become integral part of the decision-making process and scrutiny work plans.