Issue - meetings

Whitchurch-on-Thames waiting restriction changes - permit holders & waiting restrictions

Meeting: 25/01/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management (Item 7)

7 Whitchurch-on-Thames waiting restriction changes - permit holders & waiting restrictions pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/332


Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDHM07).

Jim Whiting, Parking schemes and TRO team leader,


To seek approval for the introduction of a scheme to better manage on-street parking restrictions, including the introduction of permit holders and no waiting restrictions.


The Cabinet Member for the Environment is RECOMMENDED to approve the introduction of parking controls in Whitchurch-on-Thames with minor amendments to the scheme as follows:


a.     To increase the provision of permit holder bays at the northern end of High Street near to the junction with Hardwick Road, from 18m

(3 spaces) to 27m (5 spaces).

b.     To reduce the size of the small permit holder bay south of Manor Road by 5 metres.




The Cabinet Member for the Environment APPROVED the introduction of parking controls in Whitchurch-on-Thames with minor amendments to the scheme as follows:


a.     To increase the provision of permit holder bays at the northern end of High Street near to the junction with Hardwick Road, from 18m (3 spaces) to 27m (5 spaces),


b.     to reduce the size of the small permit holder bay south of Manor Road by 5 metres.


The report presented responses to the statutory consultation on the proposed parking controls.


The Chair invited the speakers to address the meeting in turn and responded to points raised.


Officers informed the Chair that the proposals had evolved over several years with input from the local community. Some compromises have had to be made and the proposals were a balance between parking and maintaining traffic flow through the high street. The scheme would be kept under review.


The Chair commented that the proposals had been developed following extensive surveys and public engagement by the Parish Council and there had been a good level of response from the statutory consultation. It was a scheme that had a lot of care and thought put into it and was in alignment with the County Council’s policies.


The Cabinet Member for the Environment APPROVED the introduction of parking controls in Whitchurch-on-Thames with minor amendments to the scheme as follows:


a.     To increase the provision of permit holder bays at the northern end of High Street near to the junction with Hardwick Road, from 18m (3 spaces) to 27m (5 spaces),


b.     to reduce the size of the small permit holder bay south of Manor Road by 5 metres.