Issue - meetings

Recommissioning of the Disabled Children's Overnight Residential Short Breaks

Meeting: 18/10/2023 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for SEND Improvement (Item 4.)

4. Recommissioning of the Disabled Children's Overnight Residential Short Breaks pdf icon PDF 713 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/232

Contact: Charlotte Davey, Head of Disabled Children’s Services,; Andrea Cochrane, SEND Commissioning Manager,


Report by Corporate Director for Children’s Services


To seek approval  to award a contract to a new rovider, subject to completion of a full tendering process.


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED


a)              To approve the award of contract to the preferred bidder following the completion of the procurement process for the recommissioning of the Overnight Residential Short Breaks for Disabled Children, to enable a new contract to be in place for 1st April 2024. 


b)              To approve the budgetary commitment for a period of 5 years (including provision for annual review and uplift) with an option to extend by up to a further 2 years.



Recommendations approved.