Issue - meetings

Pan-regional Partnership for the Oxford-Cambridge Area - Principles and Objectives

Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 111)

111 Pan-regional partnership for the Oxford-Cambridge area pdf icon PDF 325 KB

Cabinet Member: Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/227

Contact: Robin Rogers, Programme Director (Partnerships & Delivery),


Report by Chief Executive (CA13).


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to confirm that the County Council will be a participant in the pan-regional partnership for the Oxford to Cambridge area



Additional documents:


Recommendations approved



Cabinet had before it a report providing additional information on the pan-regional partnership for the Oxford to Cambridge area which had been proposed by local authorities and other regional partners, with support from the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.


Councillor Liz Leffman, Leader of the Council, presented the report and referred to the priorities of the new partnership relating to the environment and sustainable development which aligned with the strategic objectives of the County Council.


During discussion, members commented on the merits of joining the partnership, the role it will have in influencing policy and decision-making and the question of representation from the County Council.


Councillor Leffman moved and Councillor Enright seconded the recommendations and they were approved.


RESOLVED, 5 voting in favour and 3 against, to confirm that the County Council will be a participant in the pan-regional partnership for the Oxford to Cambridge area.