Issue - meetings

Nuneham Courtenay - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers

Meeting: 12/10/2023 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Highway Management (Item 183)

183 Nuneham Courtenay - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers pdf icon PDF 881 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/194

Contact: Geoff Barrell, Principal Engineer, 20mph speed limit project,


Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDHM16).


Consider formal consultation responses.


The Cabinet Member for Highway Management is RECOMMENDED to approve the introduction of 20mph speed limits in Nuneham Courtenay as advertised.




The Cabinet Member for Highway Management APPROVED the introduction of 20 mph speed limits in Nuneham Courtenay as advertised.


The Chair requested that officers discussed the practical implications of the agreed recommendation and its effect on bus services with the bus companies.



The report presented responses to a statutory consultation on the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limits in Nuneham Courtenay.


Edmund Tresham from Thames Travel addressed the meeting and spoke against the proposed 20mph speed limits for Nuneham Courtenay and agenda item 18 Drayton (Abingdon).


Following the speakers’ remarks on the inequalities assessment, the Chair asked officers for comments on the impact on bus services. Officers confirmed that the implication in the report was that it would not affect bus services and drew the Chairs attention to paragraph 11 of the report and the results of a seven-day speed survey undertaken in 2022. Officers felt that based on the information available, the impact of a 20mph speed limit on bus services would be minimal.


In response to the speakers’ comments on the sustainability assessment, officers explained that the sustainability issue did justify the change in speed limits and Nuneham Courtenay Parish Council had raised concerns over safety. These concerns were in regard to access to properties, pedestrians crossing the road, several footpaths that went from one side of the road to the other and bus stops that required pedestrians to cross the road.


The Chair noted that none of the proposed schemes were considered unless the Parish Council had actively asked for and supported them.


The Chair commented that Oxfordshire County Council did not implement blanket 20mph zones and that officers worked hard on the details of every proposed change of speed limit and in close consultation with the bus companies. 


The Chair asked the speaker what the implication on bus services would be if the scheme was approved.


The speaker explained that they may have to remove one of the pairs of stops to balance out the reduction in speed.


The Chair felt that officers had made a convincing and logical argument as to why the proposed scheme was justified.


The Cabinet Member for Transport Management APPROVED the introduction of 20 mph speed limits in Nuneham Courtenay as advertised.


The Chair requested that officers discussed the practical implications of the agreed recommendation and its effect on bus services with the bus companies.