Issue - meetings

Waterstock - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers

Meeting: 07/09/2023 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Highway Management (Item 155)

155 Waterstock - Proposed 20 mph Speed Limits and associated speed limit buffers pdf icon PDF 558 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/190

Contact: Geoff Barrell, Principal Engineer, 20mph speed limit project,


Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDHM14).


Consider formal consultation responses.


The Cabinet Member for Highway Management is RECOMMENDED to approve the introduction of 20mph speed limits in Waterstock as advertised.





The Cabinet Member for Highway Management APPROVED the introduction of 20mph speed limits in Waterstock as advertised.


The report presented responses to a statutory consultation on the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limits in Waterstock.


The Chair invited the speaker to address the meeting and responded to points raised.


The Chair explained that examples of criteria used to ‘mark something out as a valid criticism’, could be seen throughout the meeting. Several respondents had given local detail feedback which had been factored into the decision. There were examples on the agenda where proposals had changed in response to the consultation. There were times when officers had been asked to keep proposals under review and particular recommendations had been deferred, due to points raised by local people. Sometimes there was a synergy, for example, a speed limit may be required by law because of a proposed pedestrian crossing and a respondent may not realise this.


In answer to the other questions raised by the speaker, the Chair explained that there was no minimum level of objections to halt a process and a consultation did not legally have the power to halt the democratic process. It was a challenge to reach people during the consultation process and some consultations received a lot of responses and others did not and often it was not clear why that should be as they were all advertised in the same way. It would be considered legitimate because the public were given the opportunity to respond.


The Chair commented that lower speed limits make roads safer and save lives and there was plenty of evidence to support that.


The Cabinet Member for Highway Management APPROVED the introduction of 20mph speed limits in Waterstock as advertised.