Issue - meetings

Capital Programme Monitoring Report - October 2023

Meeting: 19/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 159)

159 Capital Programme Update and Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 494 KB

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/169

Contact: Natalie Crawford, Capital Programme Manager,


Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA11).


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


Capital Programme


1.               Accept the latest capital monitoring position for 2023/24 set out in Annex 1.


2.               Approve the updated Capital Programme at Annex 2 incorporating the changes set out in this report, noting the return of £3.8m corporate funds from the 20mph Programme (paragraph 58).



Additions to the Capital Programme


3.               Approve a budget increase of £5.965m to £13.959m for the new primary school in Wallingford (St Nicolas Church of England Primary School). The additional budget will be met from s106 contributions and from basic need (paragraph 55).


4.               Approve the inclusion of the capital grant of £17.330m towards the A34 Lodge Hill scheme (paragraph 59).


5.               Approve the acceptance and inclusion of £3.8m from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) 5G Innovation Region funding to implement a project to be known as ‘England’s Connected Heartland’ (paragraph 64).


6.               Approve the use of Gainshare funding previously awarded for Digital Infrastructure projects in the event of deliverability issues to the ‘England’s Connected Heartland’ project or to fund further development of the project (paragraphs 65 and 66).

Additional documents:


Recommendations approved.


Cabinet considered the third capital programme update and monitoring report for 2023/24 which set out the monitoring position based on activity to the end of August 2023.  The report also provided an update to the Capital Programme approved by Council in February 2023 taking into account additional funding and new schemes.  The updated programme also incorporated changes agreed through the Capital Programme Approval Reports to Cabinet during the financial year as well as new funding.


Councillor Dan Levy, Cabinet Member for Finance, presented the report.


During discussion, members highlighted the range of social, environmental and economic benefits for Oxfordshire arising from the initiatives within the capital programme and, in particular, the rollout of 20mph speed limit schemes across the County.


Councillor Levy moved and Councillor Gregory seconded the recommendations, and they were approved.




Capital Programme


1.               Accept the latest capital monitoring position for 2023/24 set out in Annex 1.


2.               Approve the updated Capital Programme at Annex 2 incorporating the changes set out in this report, noting the return of £3.8m corporate funds from the 20mph Programme (paragraph 58).



Additions to the Capital Programme


3.               Approve a budget increase of £5.965m to £13.959m for the new primary school in Wallingford (St Nicolas Church of England Primary School). The additional budget will be met from s106 contributions and from basic need (paragraph 55).


4.               Approve the inclusion of the capital grant of £17.330m towards the A34 Lodge Hill scheme (paragraph 59).


5.               Approve the acceptance and inclusion of £3.8m from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) 5G Innovation Region funding to implement a project to be known as ‘England’s Connected Heartland’ (paragraph 64).


6.               Approve the use of Gainshare funding previously awarded for Digital Infrastructure projects in the event of deliverability issues to the ‘England’s Connected Heartland’ project or to fund further development of the project (paragraphs 65 and 66).