Issue - meetings

Reports from Scrutiny Committees

Meeting: 23/05/2023 - Cabinet (Item 63)

63 Reports from Scrutiny Committees pdf icon PDF 223 KB

Cabinet will receive the following Scrutiny report:-


-        Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee of the Future of Retail and the High Street

Additional documents:


Cabinet received the report and will respond in due course.


Councillor Kieron Mallon, Chair of the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee, introduced the report “Future of the Retail Sector and the High Street” which summarised the Committee’s consideration of the issues affecting the local economy and the creation new retail sector job opportunities in the County.


The Committee received presentations from the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP). the Banbury Business Improvement District (Banbury BID) and officers from the Council and agreed recommendations which Councillor Mallon outlined. 


Councillor Duncan Enright, Cabinet Member for Travel and Development Strategy, thanked the Scrutiny Committee for its work and referred to the Council’s objectives for area travel plans included within the Transport and Connectivity Plan, which would seek to encourage the regeneration of town centres and retail sites.  He suggested that the report should be shared with the District Councils in the County to assist with ongoing joint working on these initiatives.


Cabinet will formally respond to the Scrutiny Committee in due course.