83 Cumnor - proposed 20mph speed limit and associated speed limit buffers PDF 2 MB
Contact: Geoff Barrell, Developer Schemes Coordinator and 20 Limits Project Manager.
Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDHM 10).
To consider proposed 20mph and 30mph speed limits.
The Cabinet Member for Highway Management APPROVED the following proposals as advertised but with a subsequent minor relaxation in Cumnor as outlined in paragraph 17:
a. 20mph speed limit in Cumnor,
b. 20mph speed limit in Farmoor, and
c. 30mph speed limit on the B4044 Eynsham Road in Farmoor.
The report presented responses to a statutory consultation on the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limits in Cumnor and Farmoor and a 30mph speed limit on the B4044 Eynsham Road in Farmoor, as shown in Annexes 1 to 2 of the report.
These proposals were originally presented to the Chair in February however due to ongoing concerns from the Council’s bus partners the proposal was deferred to enable further discussion to address concerns. Following a comprehensive review of the proposals between the Council, bus operators and Cyclox, a minor amendment in Cumnor was agreed. The revision was a relaxation of the original proposals thus there was no requirement to undertake a new formal consultation.
The Chair invited speakers to address the meeting and responded to the points made.
The Chair felt that this was another good example of collaboration and coproduction and emphasised the importance of understanding and respecting the professional requirements of bus operators.
The Cabinet Member for Highway Management APPROVED the following proposals as advertised but with a subsequent minor relaxation in Cumnor as outlined in paragraph 17:
a. 20mph speed limit in Cumnor,
b. 20mph speed limit in Farmoor, and
c. 30mph speed limit on the B4044 Eynsham Road in Farmoor.
40 Cumnor (including Farmoor): proposed 20mph and 30mph speed limits PDF 2 MB
Contact: Geoff Barrell, Principal Engineer, 20mph speed limit project.
Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDHM 14).
Decision required on proposed 20mph and 30mph speed limits.
The Cabinet Member for Highway Management AGREED to defer a decision to approve the following proposals as advertised:
a) 20mph speed limit in Cumnor;
b) 20mph speed limit in Farmoor; and
c) 30mph speed limit on the B4044 Eynsham Road in Farmoor.
The decision is deferred to enable further discussion.
The report presented responses to a statutory consultation on the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limits in Cumnor and Farmoor and a 30mph speed limit on the B4044 Eynsham Road in Farmoor.
The Chair invited speakers to address the meeting and responded to the points made in their statements.
The Chair noted the detailed response from Thames Travel and asked how much difference a change of speed limit would make on the roads referred to. Officers explained that these roads represented a small area thus could not see speeds exceeding 20mph anyway.
The nature of the Thames Travel objection suggested that it should be considered carefully. Whilst the Chair was committed to the democratically agreed policy to promote 20mph speed limits in communities, it was not obvious whether the effect on bus companies justified changing or accepting the scheme and more evidence was needed before a decision could be made. Thus, the Chair informed the meeting that he would defer a decision on this matter.
The Chair informed the meeting that recommendation would be amended to read:
The Cabinet Member for Highway Management
agreed to DEFER a decision to approve the following
proposals as advertised, pending further discussions to assess
the acceptability of reduced proposals that meet the needs of all
a) 20mph speed limit in Cumnor,
b) 20mph speed limit in Farmoor, and
c) 30mph speed limit on the B4044 Eynsham Road in Farmoor.