64 Benson: Proposed 20mph and 50mph Speed Limits PDF 2 MB
Contact: Geoff Barrell, Developer Schemes Coordinator and 20 Limits Project Manager.
Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDHM 11).
To consider proposed 20mph and 50mph speed limits.
The Cabinet Member for Highway Management AGREED to approve the following proposals as advertised:
a) New 20mph speed limit throughout Benson, replacing the majority of the existing 30mph speed limit, and
b) a new 50mph speed limit will on the westerly unnamed road to Rokemarsh, from its junction with the B4009 The Sands northwards for a distance of 195 metres.
Prior to the consideration of Benson: proposed 20mph and 50mph speed limits, the Chair invited Danny Yee (Oxfordshire liveable Streets), to address the meeting. His contribution did not pertain to a specific item rather it was a general statement in support of 20mph speed limits across Oxfordshire.
The Chair thanked Danny Yee for his contribution and gave assurance that other schemes (as per the submission) were actively under consideration albeit timings and budgets were both complicating factors and impacted by other factors. The Chair stated that the Council was committed to delivering the 20mph policy across the county.
The Chair reminded the meeting that the Council was grateful to its bus company partners for their continued engagement. Bus companies were clear where they saw reduction in speed limits impacting their service and reliability, and the Council, as the highways authority, had the job of delivering both priorities (road safety and bus services) to improve both active travel and public transport.
The Benson: proposed 20mph and 50mph speed limits report presented responses to a statutory consultation on the proposed introduction of 20mph and 50mph speed limits in Benson.
The Chair addressed the responses received to the consultation.
Bus companies raised concerns rather than objections. The Chair highlighted the comment from Stagecoach regarding Edge Road and requested that officers take this into consideration
Officers explained that the centre of Benson, where the bus company’s main reservations lay, was paradoxically where implementation of the 20mph speed limit was most important. Achieving 30mph through the site was unlikely at most times anyway due to speeds being compromised by traffic, thus officers believed that the concerns raised did not justify amending the proposals.
A number of respondents queried why the village of Preston Crowmarsh was not included in the proposals. Officers had omitted the village in error and a 20mph limit scheme would be promoted over the coming few months.
The Cabinet Member for Highway Management APPROVED the following proposals as advertised:
a) New 20mph speed limit throughout Benson, replacing the majority of the existing 30mph speed limit, and
b) a new 50mph speed limit will on the westerly unnamed road to Rokemarsh, from its junction with the B4009 The Sands northwards for a distance of 195 metres.