Issue - meetings

Consultation and Engagement Strategy

Meeting: 15/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 19)

19 Consultation and Engagement Strategy pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Cabinet Member: Corporate Services

Forward Plan Ref: 2021/165

Contact: Kerry Middleton, Head of Communications, Marketing & Engagement Tel: 07586 479081


Report by Corporate Director Customers, Organisational Development and Resources (CA6).


To seek approval of the overall consultation and engagement approach and proposals within the Cabinet paper submitted.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


a)            consider the contents of the draft strategy and provide feedback to the Cabinet lead member for corporate services, the corporate director for customers organisational development and resources and supporting officers; and


b)           endorse the content of the strategy.


Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed



Cabinet was asked to consider an overall approach to consultation and engagement.


Councillor Michael O’Connor reported the views of the Performance & Corporate Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the report.  Their recommendations were set out in a Supplementary Document.


The strategy was a move in the right direction but a protocol was needed around which kind of consultation was appropriate for which kind of project.  Transport and Active Travel schemes needed more focussed consultation and engagement including the use of representative polling.  The scrutiny committee recommended more in-person engagement – particularly for hard-to-reach communities, as well as earlier involvement of councillors.


He added that the scrutiny committee had not been aware of the Social Value Policy coming to Cabinet and would like an opportunity to engage with it when it comes up again.


Councillor Charlie Hicks noted what he believed was minimal consultation on the Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) schemes in his area.  He recommended studying other councils’ experience before deciding on the next round of LTNs.  He drew Cabinet’s attention to recommendations at a national level to use professional representative polling.


While the Central Oxfordshire area plan provided an opportunity for the Environment & Place department to work more closely with the consultation and engagement team, there should also be more engagement at the policy development stage.


Councillor Glynis Phillips, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, thanked the scrutiny committee for the recommendations and responded as follows:


Recommendation 1:

Throughout the strategy, the narrative underlines the value of canvassing both views and preferences as well as ensuring people’s voices are heard as citizens.


To provide more detail about different types of audiences, explanations have been provided in footnotes.  On page 4 of the strategy, in the ‘Why consult?’ diagram, the word ‘listen’ has been added into the last point of the first column.   The description of reaching diverse audiences has been strengthened, with a reference added to ‘those for whom English is a second language’.


Recommendation 2:

The council’s best practice consultation and engagement guidance is being refreshed. The updated document will distinguish between, and provide advice around, different types, scales and levels of consultation, from the controversial, sensitive, complex and/or statutory.


The refreshed guidance will include a workflow outlining responsibilities and timescales as well as any protocols and processes to help guide.  Strategies and methodologies will be selected based on the type of engagement or consultation required and the level of participation desired based on an assessment of need. The use of more than one methodology is achievable and possible depending on the target audience(s).


Recommendation 3:

Communications and engagement strategies and plans are developed to support individual active travel schemes, which take into account any statutory requirements. They follow the principles of communications, consultation and engagement best practice and are tailored to the specific programme, project or scheme in question.


If there is a requirement for representative polling, the council will commission a qualified market research company to undertake this work using the council’s contract procedure rules.


The strategy outlines  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19