Issue - meetings

Oxfordshire's Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

Meeting: 19/10/2021 - Cabinet (Item 102)

102 Oxfordshire's Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy pdf icon PDF 251 KB

Cabinet Member: Adult Social Care

Forward Plan Ref: 2021/157

Contact: Marie Cacace, Commissioning Manager, Housing and Homelessness Tel: 07765 197952


Report by Interim Assistant Director Housing and Social Care Commissioning (CA9).


To seek approval of the final version of Oxfordshire’s Homelessness Strategy which, has been out for public consultation and amended as a result of the public’s feedback.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to agree Oxfordshire’s draft homelessness and rough sleeping strategy 2021-2026 (annex 1).

Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed



Cabinet considered the first county-wide Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, marking a commitment to inter-agency and cross sector partnership working to prevent homelessness and end rough sleeping in the county.


Councillor Jenny Hannaby summarised the report.  This strategy sat above the individual councils’ strategies and would strengthen the resolve to work together.


Those who were homeless were often the poorest in society with very little in the way of possessions.  Being homeless could make it more difficult for them to access employment and assistance for other issues.  The aim was to get a roof over their heads and then work with them and perhaps help to get them into employment again.


Cabinet Members added the following comments:

·         The pandemic had shown that having people homeless and sleeping rough was a societal choice.

·         The councils, health partners and voluntary sector worked well together during the pandemic and that will need to continue for this strategy to work.

·         Rough sleeping was the visible side of homelessness but was only the tip of the iceberg of those living in insecure circumstances.

·         It could be seen from the strategy that officers had done a particularly good job in understanding the issues behind homelessness.

·         The strategy should be reviewed in a year and should go before a scrutiny committee.


The Chair commented that the close partnership between the County Council and Cherwell District Council formed the basis of this and it showed how councils could do much more together than acting individually.


RESOLVED: to agree Oxfordshire’s draft homelessness and rough sleeping strategy 2021-2026 (annex 1).