Issue - meetings

Oxfordshire Food Strategy

Meeting: 24/05/2022 - Cabinet (Item 63)

63 Oxfordshire Food Strategy pdf icon PDF 252 KB

Cabinet Members: Climate Change Delivery & Environment and Public Health & Equality

Forward Plan Ref: 2021/129

Contact: Lauren Rushen, Policy Officer Tel: 07990 367851


Report by Corporate Director Customer, Organisational Development & Resources (CA7).


An Oxfordshire wide food strategy has been developed in partnership with the district and city councils and the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS). The strategy supports a broad range of Council priorities and strategies in particular healthy weight strategies, addressing food poverty and tackling inequalities and the Council’s Climate Action Framework.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


a)                  Endorse the Oxfordshire Food Strategy – Part One attached at annexe 1 including the principles and overarching framework


b)                  Agree that £250,000 grant funding be awarded to District and City council partners to support the delivery of the strategy as set out in paragraph 22 of the report


c)                  Delegate authority to the Corporate Director Customers and Organisational Development to agree the terms of reference for the grant funding in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Public Health and Equalities


d)                  Delegate authority to the Corporate Director Customers and Organisational Development to make minor design and typographical changes to the document pending adoption by District and City partners


Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed.



Cabinet had before it an Oxfordshire-wide food strategy, developed in partnership with the district and city councils and the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS), supporting a broad range of Council priorities and strategies in particular healthy weight strategies, addressing food poverty, tackling inequalities and the Council’s Climate Action Framework.


The Cabinet Members for Public Health & Equalities and Climate Change Delivery & Environment spoke to the report.  The strategy addressed the issues of food poverty, climate action, inequalities and the cost of living.  The consultation process included farmers, producers, residents, local councillors and officers.


All the partners were required to develop an action plan and for us that will be a cross-council piece of work including input from the People Overview & Scrutiny Committee.  It was a whole-system approach which was why there was a recommendation to allocate £250,000 to our district and city partners to support their own action plans.  This could be passed on to local community and voluntary groups working in their own local areas.


Most food from Oxfordshire was well-grown, well-reared and good for the planet.  The Climate Change Committee had identified the importance of local food production in mitigating against risks of climate change.  A survey had shown that only 1% of food consumed in Oxford was grown in Oxfordshire so there was a lot of work to be done.  The National Farms Union strategy fitted in very well with this Council strategy.


Members acknowledged the work of many local organisations and volunteers in distributing food locally that was sourced locally.  These organisations have responded very positively to this Council initiative.




a)              Endorse the Oxfordshire Food Strategy – Part One attached at annexe 1 including the principles and overarching framework


b)              Agree that £250,000 grant funding be awarded to District and City council partners to support the delivery of the strategy as set out in paragraph 22 of the report


c)              Delegate authority to the Corporate Director Customers and Organisational Development to agree the terms of reference for the grant funding in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Public Health and Equalities


d)              Delegate authority to the Corporate Director Customers and Organisational Development to make minor design and typographical changes to the document pending adoption by District and City partners