Issue - meetings

Review of Political Balance

Meeting: 18/05/2021 - County Council (Item 36)

36 Review of Political Balance pdf icon PDF 335 KB

Report by the Director of Law & Governance (CC9)


The report reviews the political balance on committees and appoints members to them. (ANNEXES TO FOLLOW).


Council is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)       to confirm the political balance on committees shown in Annex 2 to the report;

(b)       to appoint to committees the councillors and co-opted members shown in Annex 3, subject to any changes reported at the meeting.


Recommendations Agreed (nem con).




See Annex 3 attached.

Where the Committees appointed Chairs and Deputy Chairs these are marked by Ch and D-Ch.



The Council had before it a report (CC10) which summarised the rules for the political balance on Scrutiny and other committees, together with Annex 2 confirming the political balance on the committees and Annex 3, showing the membership of all committees.


To enable the groups to report on Political Balance and Membership of the Committees (Annex 3 (including Annex 2)), the Meeting was adjourned from 11.18 am to 12.21 pm.  Following the adjournment, the Council confirmed the political balance of the Council and appointed to the formal Meetings of the Council (Annex 3), as set out in Annex 1 to the Minutes.


RESOLVED: (nem con)


(a)       to confirm the political balance on committees shown in Annex 2 to the report;

(b)       to appoint to committees the councillors and co-opted members shown in Annex 3, subject to any changes reported at the meeting.