Issue - meetings

Motion by Councillor Bob Johnston

Meeting: 03/11/2020 - County Council (Item 66)

Motion by Councillor Bob Johnston

“Council asks the Cabinet Member for Environment that full consideration be given to cyclists and pedestrians when future schedules are drawn up for grass cutting and vegetation management.


Along with vision splays, verges next to footpaths and cycle tracks must be given greater priority and cut earlier and more frequently than at present.


Other flower-rich highway verges where these priorities do not apply must be cut only once a year at the end of October when insects and birds have finished breeding.  This will both maximise the potential for the County’s wildlife to thrive and prevent footways and cycle tracks becoming unpleasant to use, especially in wet weather.”


The Motion was carried by 54 votes to 1, with 3 abstentions.


Councillor Bob Johnston moved and Councillor Judith Roberts seconded the following Motion:


“Council asks the Cabinet Member for Environment that full consideration be given to cyclists and pedestrians when future schedules are drawn up for grass cutting and vegetation management.


Along with vision splays, verges next to footpaths and cycle tracks must be given greater priority and cut earlier and more frequently than at present.


Other flower-rich highway verges where these priorities do not apply must be cut only once a year at the end of October when insects and birds have finished breeding.  This will both maximise the potential for the County’s wildlife to thrive and prevent footways and cycle tracks becoming unpleasant to use, especially in wet weather.”


Following debate, the Motion was put to the vote and was carried by 54 votes to 1, with 3 abstentions.


RESOLVED:  Accordingly.