Issue - meetings

Provision of a new 64 space carpark, comprised of a 43 space formally laid out paved parking area with an overflow grass-protected area providing the additional 21 spaces. Works include the adaption of the existing site opening and installation of an

Meeting: 09/09/2019 - Planning & Regulation Committee (Item 40)

40 Provision of a new 64 space carpark, comprised of a 43 space formally laid out paved parking area with an overflow grass-protected area providing the additional 21 spaces. Works include the adaption of the existing site opening and installation of an access barrier at field area directly to the West of St Georges Road and North of Millington Road, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 8HL - Application R3.0143/18 pdf icon PDF 380 KB

Report by the Director for Planning & Place (PN7).


The report considers whether permission should be granted for the provision of a new 64-space car park, 43 spaces formally laid out and 21 spaces in an overflow grass protected area. Works are to include the adaption of the existing site entrance and installation of an access barrier (planning permission no. R3.0143/18). It is a full application to allow the creation of staff-only parking, in connection with the planned expansion of Wallingford School, St Georges Road, Wallingford (an Academy school) and is required as the development for the extension of Wallingford School will remove some of the existing parking currently provided.

The application is being reported to Committee because Sport England, South Oxfordshire District Council and ten third party objections to the application have been received, during the first consultation phase. Those objections were based on loss of playing field provision, noise and visual impacts of additional traffic, increased air pollution and the requirement for a car park there, or at all. A second consultation on a reduction in car parking spaces from 100 to 64 is still ongoing ending on 6 September. The objections over loss of playing field space and impact on air quality have not been removed. Officers will update the Committee orally on any comments received subsequent to this report being published.


This report outlines comments received together with a recommendation by the Director for Planning and Place.


It is RECOMMENDED that the Director for Planning and Place be authorised to EITHER:


A       i) should planning permission to application no. P19/S0191/FULbe approved by South Oxfordshire District Council and this application first being referred to the Secretary of State to provide the opportunity for the application to be called in for his own determination, as required under the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009 and the Secretary of State not calling in the application for his own determination following referral to him,  APPROVE application no. R3.0143/18 subject to conditions to be determined by the Director of Planning and Place including those set out in Annex 2 to this report.


          ii) should South Oxfordshire District Council be minded to approve P19/S/0191/FUL, that they are advised that the County Council considers a condition should be attached, that the school extension shall not be brought into use until a car park has been provided for additional staff parking in the vicinity of the school and such car park is available for use;




B       should planning permission to application no. P19/S0191/FULbe refused by South Oxfordshire District Council to REFUSE planning permission for application no. R3.0143/18 for the following reasons:


1.               The proposed development would lead to significant impacts on amenity, including air quality and would be contrary to policies CSWAL1 of the SOCS and policies EP1, WAL1, and ENV12 of the ESOLP.


2.               The proposed development would lead to pollution emissions, noise and vibration, and would therefore be contrary to saved policies EP1 and EP2 of  ...  view the full agenda text for item 40

Additional documents:


Authorisation agreed as set out in the recommendation in the addendum for the item which contained additional conditions.



The Committee considered (CMDE7) an application for provision of a new 64-space staff only car park in connection with the planned expansion of Wallingford School, St Georges Road, Wallingford required as the development for the extension of Wallingford School would remove some of the existing parking currently provided. The application was being reported to Committee because of objections received during a first consultation phase from Sport England, South Oxfordshire District Council and third-party objections based on loss of playing field provision, noise and visual impacts of additional traffic, increased air pollution and the requirement for a car park. A second consultation reducing the number of spaces from 100 to 64 was due to end on 6 September although the objections over loss of playing field space and impact on air quality had not been removed.


Kevin Griffin confirmed that the application had been required to support the expansion of Wallingford School necessary as a result of housing growth.  The application, which represented a net growth of 36 spaces, was being proposed on an area of land not regarded as suitable for recreation use by the school.


Lynne Harrison confirmed that the proposed area in St Georges Road had not been used for many years due mainly to logistics including lack of changing facilities, although there had been some limited use by a local youth football club.  However, that had stopped with the club moving to use the astro pitch facilities at the school.


Matthew Richards confirmed that as space on the current Wallingford school site was very restricted resiting the car park off-site would help to avoid any adverse impact on current on-site facilities as a result of the necessary planned expansion of the school.


Responding to Councillor Sames Mr Griffin accepted that while the birth rate was declining increased housing would result in increased numbers and regarding child obesity by resiting the car park off-site they were avoiding any impact or reduction off on site facilities.


Councillor Lynda Atkins supported the application which was about meeting the  needs of Wallingford and the surrounding area.  The County Council had a duty to provide educational needs and if that was not done there would be a requirement to transport children to other schools. The field proposed for the new car park did not work logistically for the school and with no other reasonable option available as the school was surrounded by housing this presented a sensible option to meet the pressing needs of Wallingford School.


Councillor Sames considered the proposal contradictory to paragraph 97 of the NPPF which prevented playing fields being developed on unless 3 tests had been met. That as far as he could see had not been addressed neither had the site been declared site surplus to requirements. That could leave the Council open to challenge.


Mr Mytton replied that the NPPF contained a number or relevant references to this application which the report mentioned.


Councillor Reynolds acknowledged the level of objection to the proposal but considered that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40