Issue - meetings

Senior Joint Leadership Roles

Meeting: 09/07/2019 - County Council (Item 44)

44 Senior Joint Leadership Roles pdf icon PDF 424 KB

Since the implementation of the joint working partnership between Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell District Council a series of senior joint roles have been implemented on a combination of permanent and interim arrangements. These are currently expected to deliver around 600k of savings per annum shared between the two organisations. There is a clear ambition for CDC and OCC to continue to develop the partnership for several reasons:


·                To explore the potential of enhanced two tier working to improve the ‘joining up’ of services, improving the experience of service users 

·                To explore the benefits of enhanced two tier working to improve locality working

·                To support the financial sustainability of both organisations (i.e. sharing management roles where appropriate reduces the costs of management overhead)

·                To align and develop approaches to major strategic opportunities such as the growth deal.

·                To align service delivery in areas such as commissioning, housing and social services, to manage demand and improve customer access.


The recent Peer Challenge at Oxfordshire County Council made a clear recommendation to stabilise the senior management arrangements by completing the review of the joint working partnership between OCC and CDC. Likewise, CDC needs to clarify and stabilise senior management arrangements as it winds down its joint working arrangements with SNC. The report (TO FOLLOW) recommends approval of two senior officer roles.



Councillor Neville Harris moved and Councillor Stephan Gawrysiak seconded a procedural motion that the report be referred to the Audit & Governance Committee for further consideration.


The motion was put to the vote and was lost by 31 votes to 29.


Councillor Brighouse moved and Councillor Fawcett seconded a procedural motion to vote on recommendations (a) and (b) set out in the report and on the face of the Agenda separately.


The motion was put to the vote and was lost by 31 votes to 30.


The substantive motion was carried by 31 votes to 30.


Council had before it a report (CC9), which outlined joint working between Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell District Council and sought approval of two senior officer roles.


Councillor Hudspeth moved and Councillor Corkin seconded that the recommendations set out in the report and on the face of the Agenda be adopted.


Councillor Neville Harris moved and Councillor Stephan Gawrysiak seconded a procedural motion in line with Council Procedure Rule 14.1(iv) that the report be referred to the Audit & Governance Committee for further consideration.


Following debate, the motion was put to the vote and was lost by 31 votes to 29.


Councillor Brighouse moved and Councillor Fawcett seconded a procedural motion in line with Council Procedure Rule 14.1(vi) to vote separately on recommendations (a) and (b) set out in the report and on the face of the Agenda.


The motion was not accepted by the proposer or seconder of the motion and therefore fell.


Following debate, the substantive motion was put to the vote and was carried by 31 votes to 30.