Issue - meetings

Report of Main Issues arising from Reports of the Fund Managers not represented at this meeting

Meeting: 08/03/2019 - Pension Fund Committee (Item 18)

18 Report of Main Issues arising from Reports of the Fund Managers not represented at this meeting



The Independent Financial Adviser will report orally on the officer meetings with Adams Street, Insight and Legal & General in conjunction with information contained in the tables (Agenda Item 12).


The public should be excluded during this item because its discussion in public would be likely to lead to the disclosure to members of the public present of information in the following prescribed category:


3.         Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and since it is considered that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, in that such disclosure would prejudice the trading activities of the fund managers involved and would prejudice the position of the authority's investments in funding the Pension Fund.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to note the main issues arising from the reports and to take any necessary action, if required.


(a)  noted;

(b)  With regard to a concern raised by the officers, to request the Director of Finance, following consultation with the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Opposition Group Spokesperson to take action, following investigation if it is deemed necessary; and

(c)  as a result of this process, to request Mr Collins to bring a report back to Committee and, if deemed necessary, to write to members of the Committee to glean any other concerns, and, should there be more, to include these into the above-mentioned report, for decision.


The Committee considered a report from the Independent Financial Adviser (PF18) on the main issues arising from the reports from Adams Street, Insight and Legal & General, in conjunction with information contained in the tables at Agenda Item 12.


The public was excluded during this item because its discussion in public would be likely to lead to the disclosure to members of the public present of information in the following prescribed category:


3.         Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) and since it was considered that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information, in that such disclosure would prejudice the trading activities of the fund managers involved and would prejudice the position of the authority’s in funding the Pension Fund.




(a)  to note the report;


(b)  (agreed nem con with Councillor Charles Mathew abstaining) that, with regard to a concern raised by the officers, to request the Director of Finance, following consultation with the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Opposition Group Spokesperson to take action if it is deemed necessary following investigation; and


(a)  as part of this process, to request Mr Collins to bring a report back to Committee and, if it is deemed necessary, to write to members of the Committee to glean any other concerns for inclusion into the report.