Issue - meetings

Proposed Draft Strategic Economic Plan Refresh

Meeting: 20/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 77)

77 Proposed Draft Strategic Economic Plan Refresh pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Cabinet Member: Environment

Forward Plan Ref: 2016/085

Contact: Robin Rogers, Spatial Infrastructure Planning Resources Manager Tel: 07789 923206


Report by Acting Director for Environment & Economy (CA9).


In 2013, central government required Local Enterprise Partnerships to develop multi-year Strategic Economic Plans (SEP).


Oxfordshire’s Local Enterprise Partnership, OxLEP, published its SEP Driving Economic Growth Through Innovation in March 2014.


In order to reflect progress in delivering the objectives of the original SEP and the development of associated detailed plans, address changes in the purpose of the plan and align better with changing economic circumstances, OxLEP have undertaken a SEP “refresh”.


OxLEP have also sought to generate wider engagement with the development of the refreshed SEP than was possible in 2014/15 due to the tight timetable set by central government.


Following a series of development workshops, OxLEP published a draft plan in April 2016 for public and stakeholder consultation. OxLEP have now published a revised draft for formal consideration by Oxfordshire’s local authorities, the Skills Board, the Growth Board and final decision making by the Local Enterprise Partnership itself.


This report introduces the refreshed SEP for comment and invites Cabinet to endorse the document ahead of final agreement by OxLEP.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to endorse the revised SEP as set out in Appendix 1.

Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed.


In 2013, central government required Local Enterprise Partnerships to develop multi-year Strategic Economic Plans (SEP) and Oxfordshire’s Local Enterprise Partnership, OxLEP, published its SEP Driving Economic Growth Through Innovation in March 2014.


In order to reflect progress in delivering the objectives of the original SEP and the development of associated detailed plans, address changes in the purpose of the plan and align better with changing economic circumstances, OxLEP have undertaken a SEP “refresh”.


Cabinet had before them a report that introduced the refreshed SEP for comment and invited Cabinet to endorse the document ahead of final agreement by OxLEP. Nigel Tipple, Chief Executive of OxLEP attended to present the contents of the draft SEP.


Dr Pam Roberts, Need Not Greed Oxen, stated that Oxfordshire Local Authorities should take full responsibility for the overall growth figures in the revised SEP 2016. Need not Greed were deeply concerned at the ‘pass-the-parcel’ game being played by OxLEP and the District and County Councils, with each blaming the other for the targets set for employment and housing.


They believed the Plan set very damaging and unrealistic growth targets which would radically change Oxfordshire’s communities and environment. Dr Roberts highlighted figures on jobs, housing and population growth and called on the Cabinet to speak out against OxLEP’s Strategic Economic Plan. Need not Greed Oxon wanted to see an alternative approach to growth in the county with a review taking into account Brexit, social and environmental constraints, a re-consideration of priorities for action and with genuine public consultation.


Following a presentation by Nigel Tipple setting out the background to the need for a refresh of the Plan and highlighting the main elements of the plan, Cabinet supported the refreshed SEP. However they recognised that the challenge was to create appropriate jobs and they hoped to see more done to support apprenticeships. Cabinet recognised that there had been a great deal of inward investment from the original plan with projects being completed on the ground. Councillor Nimmo Smith, Cabinet Member for Environment in moving the recommendation emphasised that rural areas were part of the LEP and highlighted the numerous small businesses supporting Science Vale.


RESOLVED:             to endorse the revised SEP as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.