Issue - meetings

Horton View and Ruskin Road, Banbury - Proposed Waiting and Parking Restriction

Meeting: 24/11/2016 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 96)

96 Horton View and Ruskin Road, Banbury - Proposed Waiting and Parking Restriction pdf icon PDF 959 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2016/079

Contact: Owen Jenkins, Service Manager for Highways, Transport & Waste Tel: (01865) 323304


Report by Interim Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Commercial (CMDE7).


The report presents responses received in the course of a statutory consultation on proposals to introduce additional and amended waiting restrictions in the Horton View area in Banbury following local requests for action to address parking concerns


The Cabinet Member for the Environment is RECOMMENDED to approvethe implementation of the amended proposals described in this report and shown in Annexes 4 and 5



Approved subject to authorising the Director for Environment & Economy to agree minor amendments following consultation with local representatives including the local member to meet local issues raised by businesses and residents




The Cabinet Member for Environment considered (CMDE7) responses received to a statutory consultation on proposals to introduce additional and amended waiting restrictions in the Horton View area of Banbury.


Debra Dumbleton spoke on behalf of businesses in the area the majority of whom felt the restrictions were too excessive and would have a detrimental affect on many of their customers the majority of who were either elderly or mothers with young children.  The local business community were concerned that use of local facilities would fall and ultimately close if customers were required to park further away.


Councillor Kieron Mallon endorsed the views expressed regarding viability of the shops particularly the post office. Accepting the need to maintain safety at junctions he felt there was scope to reduce the restriction without affecting safety. He also asked that a minor restriction be considered to extend the restriction to cover the residence of an elderly resident to assist in deliveries to her property. He thanked officers and the Cabinet Member for their consideration in these matters.


Mr Tole confirmed that the amendments as suggested could be incorporated in the order And officers would undertake some local negotiation to achieve the best outcome.


Having regard to the information set out in the report before him and the representations made to him at the meeting the Cabinet Member for Environment agreed:


to approve implementation of the amended proposals in Horton View and Ruskin Road, Banbury as described in the report and shown in Annexes 4 and 5 to that report subject to authorising the Director for Environment & Economy to agree minor amendments following consultation with local representatives including the local member to meet local issues raised by businesses and residents.



Signed ……………………………….

Cabinet Member for Environment

