Issue - meetings

Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking and Refugee Children - Transfer Scheme

Meeting: 19/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 65)

65 Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking and Refugee Children - Transfer Scheme pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Cabinet Member: Children, Education & Families

Forward Plan Ref: 2016/072

Contact: Delia Mann, Area Social Care Manager Tel 07824 498791


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CA11).




The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to give consideration to the Government proposal regarding the redistribution of UASC and recommend an approach.



Cabinet agreed to implement the Government proposal regarding the redistribution of UASC and the approach set out in the report.


The crisis in Syria and events in the Middle East, North Africa and beyond had seen an unprecedented number of migrants and asylum seekers arriving in Europe.


The Home Office and other central Government Departments had recently sought agreement with local authorities and others to agree a voluntary approach to sharing UASC more equally across the UK.  If a voluntary approach failed, Government had under recent legislation and regulations given itself powers to force councils to accept UASC.


The Government is committed to a transfer scheme operating from 1 July 2016. South East county and unitary councils – along with councils in other parts of the country – were being asked to indicate how many UASC they could accept.  No authority will be expected to take more than 0.07% of their existing child population.


There had for some time been increasing concern from local authorities that the government grant allocation fall far short of the actual cost of accommodating these children


Cabinet considered a report seeking a decision as to whether or not Oxfordshire County Council will commit to the new Government scheme.


Ms Vanessa Porter, Hook Norton Refugee Action thanked the County Council for the leading role that it had taken in the transitioning work from Kent. She explained the background and scope of her Group and offered the support of the Group and the network of volunteers it provided to assist the ongoing work.


Councillor Hudspeth, Councillor Tilley and other Cabinet Members welcomed the generous offer of support.


Councillor Fooks, commented that the help would be needed and paid tribute to the work already being done by the council. She added that the necessary resources were needed and felt that government were failing to recognise the cost and were not fully funding the work. Whilst it was right to spread the burden across the country the additional numbers would be a considerable pressure. She noted that 13 children were already placed out of County.


Councillor Gill Sanders, Shadow Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Families welcomed the acknowledgement of the duty to look after unaccompanied asylum seekers. Oxfordshire had a good record and she knew that the City will accept their responsibilities. As a member of the Fostering Panel she was aware that people were willing to take on asylum seekers but that more people were needed to come forward as foster carers.


Councillor Heathcoat urged all councillors to promote the need for foster carers in their own areas.


Councillor Tilley proposed an amendment of the recommendation to accept the implementation of the government proposal.


RESOLVED:           to implement the Government proposal regarding the redistribution of UASC and recommended an approach as set out in the report.