Issue - meetings

Section 75 Agreement - Update 2016

Meeting: 24/05/2016 - Cabinet (Item 46)

46 Section 75 Agreement - Update pdf icon PDF 262 KB

Cabinet Member: Adult Social Care

Forward Plan Ref: 2016/037

Contact: Benedict Leigh, Strategic Commissioner – Adults Tel: (01865) 323577


Report by Director for Adult Social Services (CA10).


The purpose of this report is to seek Cabinet approval for a continuation of and variations to the legal agreement under Section 75 of the NHS Act 2006 that governs the existing formal joint working arrangements and pooled budgets between Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Oxfordshire County Council from April 2016 onwards.


This is an annual process that updates the agreement between Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Oxfordshire County Council in respect of the pooled budgets. This includes agreeing the respective contributions of both parties, and the governance arrangements by which the pooled budgets are managed.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


(a)          approve the proposed pooled budget arrangements with Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, including a revised Section 75 Agreement for All Client Groups (as set out in Annex 1)  to reflect this, subject to the inclusion of any necessary changes in the text as agreed by the Director of Adult Social Services after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care;


(b)         approve the contributions and risk share arrangements as set out in paragraphs 24-31;


(c)          approve the proposal to move to a single joint management group in adults, replacing the existing four separate groups; and


(d)         approve an extension of the Section 75 Agreement for three years until 31st March 2019.



Recommendations agreed together with the following additional recommendation:


(e) that with regard to meetings of the single joint management group being held in public it was agreed that discussion be held at the next joint meeting with the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group with a further report to Cabinet.


Cabinet considered a  report seeking approval for a continuation of and variations to the legal agreement under Section 75 of the NHS Act 2006 that governs the existing formal joint working arrangements and pooled budgets between Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Oxfordshire County Council from April 2016 onwards.


This is an annual process that updates the agreement between Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Oxfordshire County Council in respect of the pooled budgets. This includes agreeing the respective contributions of both parties, and the governance arrangements by which the pooled budgets are managed.


Recommendations agreed together with the following additional recommendation at (e).


RESOLVED:             to:


(a)          approve the proposed pooled budget arrangements with Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, including a revised Section 75 Agreement for All Client Groups (as set out in Annex 1)  to reflect this, subject to the inclusion of any necessary changes in the text as agreed by the Director of Adult Social Services after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care;


(b)          approve the contributions and risk share arrangements as set out in paragraphs 24-31;


(c)          approve the proposal to move to a single joint management group in adults, replacing the existing four separate groups;


(d)          approve an extension of the Section 75 Agreement for three years until 31st March 2019; and


(e)          that with regard to meetings of the single joint management group being held in public it was agreed that discussion be held at the next joint meeting with the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group with a further report to Cabinet.