Issue - meetings

Federation of Wood Farm Primary School and The Slade Nursery School, Oxford

Meeting: 11/04/2016 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families (Item 3)

3 Federation of Wood Farm Primary School and The Slade Nursery School, Oxford pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/126

Contact: Diane Cameron, School Organisation Officer Tel: (01865) 816445


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CMDCEF4).


The Slade Nursery School and Wood Farm Primary School share a site and both serve the same families in the local area; the nursery school for children under the age of 5, and the school for children from age 5 to 11.


Following support from a local authority officer, and including liaison with the local member, who sits on both governing bodies, the separate governing bodies of the nursery school and the primary school have voted to federate from September 2016.


The necessary public consultation was conducted in January and February 2016. Seven responses wree received. All but one were fullly supportive of the plan. No responses were received to change the governing bodies proposal although some useful suggestions were made, which may be incorporated into plans for the federation. One respondent said; 'I think this is a sensible proposition. There is unnecessary duplication of effort at the moment with two governing bodies and this will help with that. Also, it will help with the management of the site overall which is complicated by the number of different organisations running similar but importantly different services for young people and children in Wood Farm'.


The staff and parents of the two schools have been informed through the process.


The decision on this proposal lies with the Governing Bodies of the two schools, however, following the consultation, governors now seek formal support for the proposal from the Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families to cement the joint working with the county council already taking place on this proposal.


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to support the proposed federation of The Slade Nursery School and Wood Farm Primary School.

Additional documents:




to support the proposed federation of The Slade Nursery School and Wood Farm Primary School.