Issue - meetings

Connecting Oxfordshire Update - Local Transport Plan (LTP4) 2015-2031

Meeting: 12/07/2016 - County Council (Item 37)

37 Connecting Oxfordshire Update - Local Transport Plan (LTP4) 2015-2031 pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Report by Director for Environment & Economy (CC10).


The report sets out the key changes to Connecting Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire's Local Transport Plan (LTP4), which was adopted by Council in September 2015, following full public and Stakeholder consultation.  This report outlines the first update to LTP4, which is required to reflect the changed policy context and new and updated strategies. 


Annex 1 summarises the main changes to LTP4.  The report also specifically references changes agreed by Cabinet on 28 June 2016.


LTP4 has been updated in 2016 in response to the rapidly changing national and local growth, economic development, infrastructure planning and funding agendas.  Last year the county council resolved that LTP4 should be strengthened in its aims to reduce air pollution.  Annex 2 sets out how the LTP has been updated to reflect this in more detail.  


The Plan has been designed as a living transport policy and strategy framework document, to be kept under review and regularly updated as significant changes take place which affect transport in Oxfordshire.  It will also directly inform the update of the Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan recently consulted upon and proposed to be completed this Autumn.


Council is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)       adopt the updated Connecting Oxfordshire: Local Transport Plan 2015-2031 (LTP4) as council policy; and

(b)       instruct the Deputy Director of Environment and Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, to keep the document under review and to make any necessary changes, subject to any such changes being reported to County Council for approval within 12 months.

Additional documents:


Carried by 60 votes to 0, with 1 abstention.


Council had before them a report which set out the key changes to Connecting Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire's Local Transport Plan (LTP4), adopted by Council in September 2015, following full public and Stakeholder consultation.  This report outlined the first update to LTP4, which was required to reflect the changed policy context and new and updated strategies. 


LTP4 had been updated in 2016 in response to the rapidly changing national and local growth, economic development, infrastructure planning and funding agendas.  Last year the County Council resolved that LTP4 should be strengthened in its aims to reduce air pollution. This was also reflected in the Plan.


The Plan had been designed as a living transport policy and strategy framework document, to be kept under review and regularly updated as significant changes took place which affect transport in Oxfordshire.  It would also directly inform the update of the Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan recently consulted upon and proposed to be completed this Autumn.


Councillor Nimmo-Smith moved and Councillor Hudspeth seconded that the recommendations set out on the face of the Agenda and the report be adopted.


Following a lengthy debate, the motion was put to the vote and was carried by 60 votes to 0, with 1 abstention.


RESOLVED: (60 votes to 0, 1 abstention)  to:


(a)       adopt the updated Connecting Oxfordshire: Local Transport Plan 2015-2031 (LTP4) as council policy; and

(b)       instruct the Deputy Director of Environment and Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, to keep the document under review and to make any necessary changes, subject to any such changes being reported to County Council for approval within 12 months.

Meeting: 28/06/2016 - Cabinet (Item 54)

54 Connecting Oxfordshire Update - Local Transport Plan (LTP4) 2015-2031 pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Cabinet Member: Environment

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/119

Contact: John Disley, Policy & Strategy Manager Tel: (01865) 810460


Report by Director for Environment & Economy (CA7).


The report sets out the key changes to Connecting Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire's Local Transport Plan (LTP4), which was adopted by Council in September 2015, following full public and Stakeholder consultation.  This report outlines the first update to LTP4, which is required to reflect the changed policy context and new and updated strategies. 


Annex 1 summarises the main changes to LTP4. 


LTP4 has been updated in 2016 in response to the rapidly changing national and local growth, economic development, infrastructure planning and funding agendas.  Last year the county council resolved that LTP4 should be strengthened in its aims to reduce air pollution.  Annex 2 sets out how the LTP has been updated to reflect this in more detail.  


The Plan has been designed as a living transport policy and strategy framework document, to be kept under review and regularly updated as significant changes take place which affect transport in Oxfordshire.  It will also directly inform the update of the Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan recently consulted upon and proposed to be completed this autumn.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)          approve the Connecting Oxfordshire update, and to RECOMMEND it for adoption by Full Council at its meeting in July 2016; and


(b)         note the contents of Annex 2 and to instruct officers to undertake work to progress proposals for Clean Air Zones in parallel with proposals for an Oxford city centre zero-emission zone.


Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed, together with the following change:


Delete the third bullet point on page 10 of the A420 strategy document:


“A new roundabout at the A420 junction with Coxwell Road. This upgrade is partially funded by developers of nearby strategic sites.”


Substitute with the following bullet point:


“A significant junction improvement will be required at the A420 junction with Coxwell Road to accommodate known housing growth in the area. The Highway Authority has been negotiating with the developers through the planning process and a full signalisation of the junctionis an agreeable solution in principle.





Cabinet had before them a report that set out the key changes to Connecting Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire's Local Transport Plan (LTP4), which was adopted by Council in September 2015, following full public and Stakeholder consultation.  The report outlined the first update to LTP4, which is required to reflect the changed policy context and new and updated strategies. 


Councillor Howson, speaking as local Councillor expressed concern over the implications of railway plans that could result in more night running freight trains and felt that other train routes could be developed and that the possibility of air freight ignored. Referring to the proposed bus gates at Worcester Street and St Cross Road Councillor Howson was concerned that this would cut off local residents and he suggested that there should be plans to revamp St Giles. He was disappointed that tunnels remained an option in the current plan feeling that they were  a relatively expensive waste of money.


Councillor Fooks speaking as a local Councillor generally welcomed the plan but questioned the schedule for the A40 works. She also suggested that the proposed bus lane be extended to Witney rather than introducing dual carriageway. The overall aim of the plan had to be to reduce congestion and there was a need to make cycling more attractive. Councillor Fooks raised a number of detailed points around freight transport, signage, air quality and parking.


Councillor Hards speaking as a local Councillor referred to work on Milton Interchange which improved matters travelling North from Didcot but otherwise worsened the situation. He highlighted a number of local issues including concerns around Phase 2 of the Orchard Centre development, the lack of proposals for the northern perimeter of Didcot that needed some relief from traffic congestion and  concern that the implications of the withdrawal of bus subsidies was not recognised in the plan.


Councillor Patrick, speaking as a local Councillor was pleased to see that much of the work of the  cross party working group remained in the plan. Councillor Patrick highlighted the bus and rail strategies and in particular stressed the need for properly integrated public transport links, including effective cross ticketing. She welcomed the news on Grove a Station whilst recognising that there still remained a lot to do and urged the Leader to start this work now.


Councillor Curran, Shadow Cabinet Member for Environment generally commended the document but felt that some of the good intentions were compromised. He referred in particular to the impact of the withdrawal of bus subsidies that could lead to a lack of rural buses and rural isolation. He also highlighted the Rail Strategy where he would have wished to see the extension of the Cowley Road line on its original line. Councillor Curran welcomed the work on work place levies and supported the extension of CPZs. The work on low emission zones was welcomed but he stressed the need to find the necessary staff resource.


Councillor Nimmo Smith in moving the recommendations commented that economic growth was dependent on movement  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54