Issue - meetings

Proposed Disabled Persons Parking Places - Cherwell District Council

Meeting: 15/01/2015 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 3)

3 Proposed Disabled Persons Parking Places - Cherwell District and Oxford City pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/170

Contact: Jim Daughton, Service Manager – Delivery Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Director for Environment & Economy (CMDE5).


The report considers objections received to a formal consultation on proposals to introduce new disabled persons’ parking places at various locations in Cherwell and Oxford.


The Cabinet Member for Environment is RECOMMENDED to approve the proposed new disabled persons’ parking places as advertised.





Little Green, Bloxham – Deferred

Marlborough Avenue, Kidlington – Approved

Orchard Way, Banbury – Approved

West Bar Street, Banbury – Approved

Pennywell Drive, Oxford – Approved

Sawpit Road, Blackbird Leys - Approved



The Cabinet Member for Environment considered (CMDE5) representations received to a number of proposed disabled persons parking places at various locations in Cherwell and Oxford City.


Little Green, Bloxham


Alistair Briggs asked the Cabinet Member to consider carefully the optimum position for a space in Little Green, Bloxham. He was not against provision as such but felt the proposed siting could cause considerable traffic problems for residents and service and delivery vehicles.  The family in question currently parked outside their house as could be seen from a tabled photograph and it seemed sensible to maintain the status quo by providing a space where the applicants currently parked closest to their house. Measurements taken supported that option.


Mr Tole confirmed that the first principle in placing these spaces was to maintain, where possible, the status quo and understood the applicant supported the space proposed in the report. He acknowledged that the location was a difficult one but the problem as he saw it with the space now suggested by residents would occur if a larger vehicle echelon parked. He appreciated the area was currently well organised but not well enough possibly to remove the needs of a disabled person.


The Cabinet Member was not yet convinced that the needs of residents would be best served by the proposed change and that having regard to the tabled photograph the most practical solution could possibly be retention of current arrangements. He asked officers to carry out further consultation.  


Marlborough Avenue, Kidlington


No further information


Orchard way, Banbury


Mr Tole acknowledged there was little enforcement but bays were generally well observed.  There would be no net loss to residents and he felt that objections to the proposal had been overcome.


West Bar Street, Banbury


No further information


Pennywell, Drive, Oxford


Expressing support for the proposal Councillor Fooks understood that an application for an additional space could be submitted. If that happened she appealed that any additional space that might be agreed should adjoin on to the south side of this current proposal.



Sawpit Road, Blackbird Leys


Mr Tole acknowledged that roads on the estate were narrow but the proposed space was where the applicant normally parked and he felt that the objection lodged had been overcome.


The Cabinet Member confirmed that he had visited the sites concerned and having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above confirmed his decision as follows to:


(a)          defer consideration of the proposed disabled parking space in Little green, Bloxham to enable further consultation to be carried out;


(b)          approve the remaining proposed new disabled persons’ parking places in:


(i)            Marlborough Avenue, Kidlington

(ii)          Orchard Way, Banbury

(iii)         West Bar Street, Banbury

(iv)         Pennywell Drive, Oxford

(v)          Sawpit Road, Blackbird Leys


as advertised.





Cabinet Member for Environment

