Issue - meetings

Oxfordshire Growth Board

Meeting: 17/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 55)

55 Oxfordshire Growth Board pdf icon PDF 512 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/052

Contact: Tom Flanagan, Service Manager – Planning, Environment & Transport Policy Tel: (01865) 815691


Report by Director for Environment & Economy (CA7).


The report summarises the governance arrangements for the Oxfordshire Growth Board following publication of the Strategic Economic Plan.  It references the draft Terms of Reference for the Growth Board, building on the commitments of the City Deal submission, and acting as the basis on which the formal legal agreement between the constituent local authorities will be based.



The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to agree:


(a)         the draft Terms of Reference and their relationship to the requirements to deliver the Strategic Economic Plan, City Deal, SHMA and Local Transport Board programmes;


(b)         that details of the final agreement is delegated to the Director of Environment & Economy in consultation with the Leader of Council, the Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer;


(c)         the current position with regard to support for the Spatial Planning & Infrastructure Partnership, City Deal and LTB, and how this will need to develop to support the wider activities of the Growth Board.

Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed.


The Cabinet considered a report (CA7) which summarised the governance arrangements for the Oxfordshire Growth Board following publication of the Strategic Economic Plan, including the draft Terms of Reference for the Growth Board, which built on the commitments of the City Deal submission, and acted as the basis on which the formal legal agreement between the constituent local authorities would be based.


Councillor Brighouse welcomed the establishment of the Board as a sensible way forward to deliver the key local authority functions needed to achieve the priorities set out in Oxford Strategic Economic Plan. However, she expressed concern over how members would be involved and asked that the Cabinet gave some thought about how local members were to be kept informed.


In relation to paragraph 6 of the report she sought assurance that the aspiration would be sustainable and inclusive. She stressed that the Council had a responsibility to ensure that growth served the needs of the areas which were affected by that growth by creating appropriate jobs or training for local people and not increasing traffic in the area.


Councillor Nick Hards highlighted a number of developments where the issue of connectivity was of paramount importance to achieve funding.


Councillor Hudspeth in moving the recommendations expressed the importance of a statutory joint committee to deliver the City Deal and SEP going forward and the importance of the growth board for being in the right position for bidding for funding. 


RESOLVED: to agree:


(a)          the draft Terms of Reference and their relationship to the requirements to deliver the Strategic Economic Plan, City Deal, SHMA and Local Transport Board programmes;


(b)          that details of the final agreement is delegated to the Director of Environment & Economy in consultation with the Leader of Council, the Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer;


(c)          the current position with regard to support for the Spatial Planning & Infrastructure Partnership, City Deal and LTB, and how this will need to develop to support the wider activities of the Growth Board.