Issue - meetings

Recommended Sponsor for the First New Primary School for NW Bicester

Meeting: 15/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 71)

71 Recommended Sponsor for the First New Primary School for NW Bicester - report on selection process for potential providers and approval of Preferred Option pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Cabinet Member: Children, Education & Families

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/045

Contact: Diane Cameron, School Organisation Officer Tel: (01865) 816445


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CA14).


The Cabinet meeting of 4 September 2012 approved a  process for the identification of sponsors for new academies to meet the needs of population growth such as this which requires a new primary school for 2015.


This process has been followed and has now reached the point where a preferred  provider has been identified from a group of 3 short-listed bidders which were assessed against criteria.


The agreed process is that the preferred option should  be approved either by Cabinet or by the Lead Member for Children, Education and Families.  


The Cabinet is asked to agree the preferred provider which will be submitted to the Secretary of State for Education for a final decision.  


In addition the Cabinet is asked to consider whether similar decisions on further schools should be made by the Lead Member unless there are exceptional circumstances.  


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to agree


(a)      The White Horse Federation as the recommended provider to be submitted to the Secretary of State for Education for final agreement;


(b)      The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to agree that in future the preferred provider for a new school should be approved by Lead Member for Children, Education and Families rather than Cabinet, unless there are exceptional circumstances.




Recommendations agreed.


The Cabinet meeting of 4 September 2012 approved a process for the identification of sponsors for new academies to meet the needs of population growth such as this which requires a new primary school for 2015.


This process has been followed and Cabinet considered a report seeking approval of the preferred provider which will be submitted to the Secretary of State for Education for a final decision.


In addition the Cabinet was asked to consider whether similar decisions on further schools should be made by the Lead Cabinet Member unless there are exceptional circumstances. Councillor Gill Sanders, Shadow Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families supported the proposals but felt that it would be better if similar recommendations came to Cabinet for transparency to allow councillors to be involved  thus strengthening the recommendation to the Secretary of State for Education. The Leader clarified that the cabinet Member would take such decisions at her delegated decision making sessions which were public meetings.


RESOLVED:           to agree


(a)      the White Horse Federation as the recommended provider to be submitted to the Secretary of State for Education for final agreement; and


(b)      that in future the preferred provider for a new school should be approved by the Lead Cabinet Member with responsibility for Children, Education & Families in a delegated decision meeting rather than Cabinet, unless there are exceptional circumstances.