Issue - meetings

Proposed Parking Restrictions, Enstone

Meeting: 09/01/2014 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 6)

6 Proposed Parking Restrictions, Enstone pdf icon PDF 603 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/162

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Service Manager Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Commercial & Delivery (CMDE8).








The Cabinet Member for the Environment considered representations received to a formal consultation on proposals to introduce new parking restrictions along a short stretch of road adjacent to A44 Oxford Road in Enstone.


Mr Grainger asked that the scheme be deferred and stated that the law was clear concerning changes which could only be imposed if they maintained reasonable access.  He considered the process had been rushed through with no evidence to show the scheme was required.  The proposals seemed excessive and were the wrong side to protect access to the shop, which in his view only needed 1 or 2 spaces, yet there was no alternative off street parking for a number of residents.  The consultation process had been one sided and in his view flawed with some residents only notified of the specific proposal in November 2013, even though discussions had been ongoing for some considerable time.  The report itself was biased insofar as it did not adequately reflect the opinion of all parties concerned and the summary of responses received was not impartial.  He maintained access to the shop could be secured without adversely affecting parking by residents and a decision needed to be deferred to allow an independent traffic survey to be carried out.


Mr Willoughby said that as he had lived in the cottage overlooking the store for some years he was ideally placed to gauge the situation.  He confirmed that there were several places always available for visitors to the shop and he supported those neighbours who would be affected by a lack of provision for residents parking.  The proposals had created conflict and he felt that there would inevitably be further confrontation. Councillor Ian Hudspeth the previous local councillor had admitted that parked vehicles had caused problems but had decided no changes were needed so he wondered what had changed.  This represented a waste of money which could be better used elsewhere. He endorsed the comments made by the previous speaker and all the objections to the scheme.


Lisa Thompson lived in a property off the village green which could only be reached by foot along with 4 other houses which had no alternative parking other than on the opposite side of the A44 which was not a viable alternative. The proposal discriminated against people who worked at or who were at home and those who did not work conventional office hours. It seemed more sensible to restrict parking on the shop side.  It would also restrict trade vehicles visiting adjoining residential properties. The emergency services had not considered that there was a problem here but there was the possibility that spaces could be taken up by people parking and commuting to Oxford.  The scheme had been politically and commercially motivated, offered no support to residents as it reduced the already limited parking and did not address safety issues. It was clearly not the right way to deal with the issues concerned.


Mr Kempson the shopkeeper wholeheartedly supported the proposals.


Mr Holmes  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6