Issue - meetings

Oxfordshire County Council Action Taken in Response to Child Sexual Exploitation

Meeting: 26/11/2013 - Cabinet (Item 125)

125 Action in Response to Child Sexual Exploitation in Oxfordshire pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Cabinet Member: Children, Education & Families

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/150

Contact: Jim Leivers, Director for Children’s Services Tel: (01865) 815122


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CA6).


Child sexual exploitation is among the most serious and challenging issue that Oxfordshire County Council has faced. This report sets out the council's learning and actions in response.


The Cabinet is asked to:


(a)             Endorse the progress and actions to date and identify any further measures for consideration.

(b)            Receive further reports from the  Cabinet Advisory Group on Safeguarding Assurance and in relation to the Serious Case Review



Child sexual exploitation is among the most serious and challenging issue that Oxfordshire County Council has faced. Cabinet had before them a report that set out the council's learning and actions in response.


Councillor Gill Sanders, Shadow Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families welcomed the report and the actions it outlined. She highlighted that it was important that the report recognised the girls were victims and had not made life choices. This was an essential change. She also welcomed the screening tool. The training referred to should be on-going so that it was not possible to forget the lessons learned. She felt it was important to accept accountability. Councillor Sanders further welcomed the new residential home in Oxfordshire and supported the need for more foster parents.


Councillor Tilley in moving the recommendations advised that Councillors would be kept fully informed and referred to the role of the Cabinet Advisory Group.


Councillor Hudspeth, Leader of the Council, thanked the Labour and Liberal Democrat Groups for the cross party support in working together for the best for the children of Oxfordshire during a very testing time.

Jim Leivers, Director for Children’s Services introduced the contents of the report highlighting key themes and actions going forward.

Councillor Hudspeth thanked the Directorate staff noting the toll dealing with this sensitive issue was taking. He paid tribute to his predecessor as the County did not ignore the issue and had ensured that the necessary finance was there. He referred to a speech he had given at a Conference on the experience of Oxfordshire with the intention of ensuring not happening elsewhere. The Council’s commitment was to ensure that safeguarding and protection was one of our fundamental beliefs.

Councillor Rose added that he had seen the Conference speech and that it was an example that no-one was trying to avoid the issues and he thanked the Leader, Chief Executive and Director for Children’s Services for their approach.

RESOLVED:             to:


(a)             Endorse the progress and actions to date and identify any further measures for consideration.

(b)             Receive further reports from the Cabinet Advisory Group on Safeguarding Assurance and in relation to the Serious Case Review