Issue - meetings

Business Management Monitoring Report for the First Quarter 2013/14

Meeting: 26/09/2013 - Performance Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)

13 Business Management Monitoring Report for the First Quarter 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 87 KB


Research and Major Programmes Manager, Alexandra Bailey will present a paper (PSC7) outlining the Council’s performance for the first quarter of 2013/14.


The Performance Scrutiny Committee is RECOMMENDED to note and discuss the performance reported in the dashboards and to make any comments necessary for escalation to Cabinet.

Additional documents:


Claire Phillips, Senior Policy and Performance Officer presented a paper outlining the Council’s performance for the first quarter of 2013/14..


Lucy Butler, Deputy Director Children’s Social Care & YOS and Sarah Livadeas, Deputy Director Joint Commissioning, attended during consideration of Social & Community Services. Sarah Livadeas referred to the reablement service and in acknowledging that they were below target gave assurance that the provider was improving and they were continuing to monitor closely. On the other issue highlighted in the report Lucy Butler commented that delayed transfers of care and care home placements was a complex issue dependent on a number of services. She briefly outlined how they were tackling it as part of a multi-agency team and referred to the additional funding awarded for winter pressures.


Responding to questions Sarah Livadeas explained that the target around reablement had been set quite recently as part of the procurement exercise so comparison with the previous situation was not possible. Lucy Butler


During discussion the Chairman commented that the John Radcliffe and Churchill Hospitals were massive regional centres and it would be helpful if there was a different way of dealing with those people who did not need that specialist care. In response the Committee was advised that work had been carried out looking at hospital admissions and the role of the EMU which had been successful in Abingdon.


The Committee flagged up the need to ensure that the steps being taken were effective and also to review what was being done with the additional funding. Councillor Stratford as Chairman of the Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee indicated that this was a substantial piece of work for that Committee and he would be happy to keep this Committee informed.


Jim Leivers, Director for Children’s Services and Frances Craven, Deputy Director Education & Early Intervention introduced the report in relation to Children, Education & Families commenting in particular on keeping children safe, raising attainment and narrowing the gap.


During discussion the Committee highlighted the importance of tackling absence from schools and queried the role and responsibilities of the Council in relation to academies. In relation to safeguarding children there was reference to the flowchart. This highlighted the need to know what is happening throughout the pathway. There was a need to consider further the referrals to understand what was happening and what the figures meant. With regard to a question about social workers it was acknowledged that money had been invested in social workers but their workload was rising rapidly.


Huw Jones, Director for Environment & Economy, Graham Shaw. Deputy Director – OCS and Mark Kemp, Deputy Director, Commercial introduced the report in relation to Environment & Economy commenting in particular on highways defects and the customer service centre.


Questioned about the target for public satisfaction with services the Committee was advised that it was based on current performance, measured annually and that it compared favourably with other authorities. There was discussion of the way in which defects were managed and paid for and the Committee was advised  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13