Issue - meetings

Oxfordshire Local Aggregate Assessment 2013

Meeting: 26/11/2013 - Cabinet (Item 130)

130 Oxfordshire Local Aggregate Assessment 2013 pdf icon PDF 148 KB

Cabinet Member: Environment

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/131

Contact: Peter Day, Minerals & Waste Policy Team Leader Tel: (01865) 815544


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Strategy & Infrastructure Planning (CA10 ).


The County Council has a statutory duty to prepare a new Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Plan, to provide an effective planning strategy and policies for the supply of minerals and management of waste in the county, consistent with environmental, social and economic needs. The programme for preparing the plan is the subject of a separate report to this meeting.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


(a)             approve the 10 year average sales figures set out in the table in paragraph 19 of the report as the provision figures in the Oxfordshire Local Aggregate Assessment 2013, for use as the basis for provision for mineral working in the consultation draft Minerals and Waste Local Plan and for calculating the Oxfordshire landbank;


(b)             authorise the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment to finalise the Oxfordshire Local Aggregate Assessment 2013 for publication.


The County Council has a statutory duty to prepare a new Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Plan, to provide an effective planning strategy and policies for the supply of minerals and management of waste in the county, consistent with environmental, social and economic needs.


Under the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework, March 2012 (NPPF), the County Council must prepare a Local Aggregate Assessment Annually. In addition, the duty to co-operate introduced by the Localism Act 2011 applies to the preparation of a local aggregate assessment since this is an activity supporting the preparation of a local plan relating to a strategic matter. Cabinet considered a report that recommended a Local Aggregate Assessment for Oxfordshire for 2013.


Councillor Purse expressed her gratitude that the concerns of the group had been heard and the rolling average had been restored.

Mr Taylor, Chairman of PAGE, endorsed the 10 year average sales method which he stated was in line with guidance and in use elsewhere. Over an 18 year period he felt that this would give a significant decrease saving Oxfordshire’s lovely countryside. He asked that the 2013 sales figure be published as soon as possible as part of the planning process. He looked forward to being consulted.

Councillor Nimmo Smith in moving the recommendations noted that Oxfordshire was a growth county and as such any figure would need to be regularly reviewed. Martin Tugwell  responded to questions about the use of recycled aggregate and sea dredged aggregate noting that much of the recycled agregate was used on site so it was difficult to gauge. The County was not in the best position to make use of sea dredged aggregate and although a framework was a possibility its use would remain a commercial decision. The future use of china clay was also governed by commercial considerations.

During discussion Councillor Lindsay Gale stated that 9 parishes affected were in her Division and having been involved previously she was pleased with the outcome and paid tribute to the work of the Cabinet Advisory Group.

RESOLVED:             to


(a)             approve the 10 year average sales figures set out in the table in paragraph 19 of the report as the provision figures in the Oxfordshire Local Aggregate Assessment 2013, for use as the basis for provision for mineral working in the consultation draft Minerals and Waste Local Plan and for calculating the Oxfordshire landbank;


(b)             authorise the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Strategy & Infrastructure Planning) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment to finalise the Oxfordshire Local Aggregate Assessment 2013 for publication.