Issue - meetings

Home to School Transport - Consultation

Meeting: 17/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 100)

100 Home to School Transport - Consultation pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Cabinet Member: Children, Education & Families

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/122

Contact: Neil Darlington, Service Manager – Admissions & Transport Tel: (01865) 815844


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CA8).


It is proposed that the Council should undertake a consultation with the public, headteachers and other interested parties upon a range of possible changes to the  Home to School Transport Policy.


This follows the decision of the Cabinet on 16 July to consult again on the possible changes to the Home to School Transport Policy.


There is a significant financial risk to the County Coucil if the current policy remains unamended. Free travel is currently provided to the catchment school, even if it is not the nearest school, if it is over the statutory walking distance and since an increasing number of schools set their own admission arrangements, including any catchment area, and  the County Council could find its financial obligations increasing in future years.


In addition, the County Council is under increasing financial pressure and therefore needs to consider possible options for reducing costs.


The Cabinet is asked to consider the consultation process to decide whether it is acceptable.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to adopt the following proposals:


(a)              to agree the consultation arrangements for Home to School Transport


(b)              if 14 (a) is agreed, to determine whether any Cabinet Members will attend any of the public meetings



It is proposed that the Council should undertake a consultation with the public, headteachers and other interested parties upon a range of possible changes to the Home to School Transport Policy.


Following the decision of the Cabinet on 16 July to consult again on the possible changes to the Home to School Transport Policy Cabinet had before them a report .that sought approval to the proposed consultation process.


Councillor Gill Sanders, Shadow Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families reiterated comments made at the previous Cabinet meeting that the Labour Group remained in favour of a policy looking to charge for home to school transport (statutory provision aside) in the current financial situation. However she hoped that consultation would be properly carried out with everyone receiving the information in a clear way. She suggested that consideration be given to solutions elsewhere and referred to Somerset that used Designated Transport Areas.


Neil Darlington responding to a question from the Leader indicated that there was no indication when the guidance would be reissued but it was expected late September/early October. Responding to a comment from Councillor Heathcoat he undertook to publicise the consultation locally for the Grove & Wantage area.


During discussion Cabinet Members indicated that they would attend as many of the public meetings as was possible.


RESOLVED:             to:


(a)                  agree the consultation arrangements for Home to School Transport;

(b)                   agree, that Cabinet would attend as many of the public meetings as was possible.