Issue - meetings

Hill View Primary School, Banbury - Alteration of Lower Age Limit to Create a Foundation Stage Unit (FSU)

Meeting: 22/04/2013 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Education (Item 17)

17 Hill View Primary School, Banbury - Alteration of Lower Age Limit to Create a Foundation Stage Unit (FSU) pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/048

Contact: Debra Rouget, Sufficiency & Access Manager, Early Years & Childcare Tel: (01865) 810617


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CMDE4).


Hill View Primary School has completed the first section of the County Council scheme for applying to open a Foundation Stage Unit. In order to proceed to the second stage the application this requires the approval of the Cabinet Member for Education. If approved the County Council will publish statutory notices to lower the age range at which they admit pupils from 4, to 3 years of age. 


At present, children access their pre-school education at a variety of nurseries and pre-schools in Banbury. These included Hill View Pre-school which operates on the school site in the former Caretakers bungalow This Pre-school have received two consecutive Inadequate Ofsted ratings and as a result has had funding for early education places withdrawn by the Council.  The pre school have therefore decided to close.  The school would now like to develop their own FSU places to ensure a high quality provision for local families


The FSU, if approved, will initially open in September 2013 in the premises vacated by Hill View Pre-School. Funds have been identified to remodel and improve the accommodation. Longer term, Officers are investigating the possibility of including the FSU within already scheduled extension and remodelling of the school.   The school intends to offer up to 40 part time places but allow parents to of rising 3s to pay for a term of nursery prior to qualifying for a free place.


The School has consulted governors, parents, partnership schools and private and voluntary pre school providers in the area on these proposals and at the time of report submission, no objections had been received. However, the consultations are still ongoing and an update will be provided to the Cabinet Member before the meeting should any objections arise.


The Cabinet Member for Education is RECOMMENDED to agree to the publication of statutory notices to take this proposal forward to the next formal phase.


Recommendations Agreed.