Issue - meetings

Edward Feild Nursery School - Proposal to Close and Provide Alternative Early Years Provision

Meeting: 21/05/2013 - Cabinet (Item 56)

56 Edward Feild Nursery School - Proposal to Close and Provide Alternative Early Years Provision pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Cabinet Member: Education

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/045

Contact: Debra Rouget, Sufficiency & Access Manager, Early Years & Childcare Tel: (01865) 810617


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CA8).


In April 2011 changes by the DfE to the method of funding of Early Years places required the implementation of an Early Years Single Funding Formula. As a result, for attached nursery schools, there is now no financial advantage to running two establishments in parallel and the duplication of work and time is an unnecessary drain on resources. 


School Organisation and Planning officers met with Headteachers of attached nursery schools in 2012 to outline the option of merging with their federated primary school.Edward Feild Nursery School proposed instead the closure of the Nursery School and expansion of the successful on-site voluntary Playgroup.  Officers have supported the School in evaluating the financial, quality and accommodation aspects of this proposal amd published an informal consultation on 17 March 2013. The period in which representations could be made by interested parties closed on the April and these are summarised in the report. Two objections were received.  A formal decision is required by Cabinet on whether to publish a Statutory Notice to close Edward Feild Nursery School at the end of the Autumn term 2013.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve publication of a Statutory Notice for the Closure of Edward Feild Nursery School


Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report following consultation on proposals to close the Nursery School and expand the on-site voluntary Playgroup. A formal decision was sought on whether to publish a Statutory Notice to close Edward Feild Nursery School at the end of the Autumn term 2013.


Councillor Gill Sanders, Shadow Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families spoke in support of the proposal but expressed concern over the move from public to private provision and in particular sought  assurances about succession planning should the current management decide not to continue. Councillor Tilley undertook to  take this concern forward and to keep Councillor Sanders informed.


RESOLVED:                        to approve publication of a Statutory Notice for the Closure of Edward Feild Nursery School.