Issue - meetings

Big Society Fund - Decision

Meeting: 10/09/2012 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Children & the Voluntary Sector (Item 9)

9 Big Society Fund - Decision pdf icon PDF 207 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/114

Contact: Claire Phillips, Senior Policy & Performance Officer Tel: (01865) 323967


Report by Senior Performance & Improvement Manager (CMDCVS5).


The Big Society Fund was launched in February 2011, with applications to the pot of funding set aside considered in four waves during 2011/2012.  A final bid was submitted to the Fund under these arrangements in June 2012, before administration of the Fund changed to individual Councillor Community Budgets.


The Cabinet Member for Children & the Voluntary Sector is asked to determine this bid in line with previous arrangements.


The report summarises the final bid received for Adderbury Alive - Expanding Community Facilities including service and councillors' comments and asks the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Big Society Fund to consider the bid and recommends whether to award funding.


The Cabinet Member for Children & the Voluntary Sector is RECOMMENDED to approve the bid for Adderbury Alive - Expanding Community Facilities which meets the assessment criteria.

