Issue - meetings

Expansion of Botley School to 2 Form Entry

Meeting: 18/09/2012 - Cabinet (Item 100)

100 Proposal to Expand Botley School, Oxford pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Cabinet Member: Education

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/089

Contact: Diane Cameron, School Organisation Officer Tel: (01865) 816445


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CA6).


At the request of the Local Authority, Botley School admitted an additional class (15 places) of F1 (Reception) class pupils in September 2010 to meet demand for pupil places within Oxford city. Demand for pupil places across Oxford city has risen very sharply and the expectation is that the rise in pupil numbers will be sustained. Similarly, the West Oxford partnership of schools, of which Botley School is a member, lies both within and on the outskirts of Oxford itself and is experiencing very high demand for places. Plans for additional housing within the school’s catchment area are included  in the draft Vale of White Horse  Local Plan, and the district’s current housing projections indicate over 500 homes are expected to be built in the area over the next six years, with significant developments already approved or underway.


The proposal to expand Botley School to 2 forms of entry is one part of the county council's strategy to meet the need for primary school places in Oxford and its immediate surrounds.?????.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the publication of a statutory notice for the expansion of Botley School, Oxford.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report detailing a proposal to expand Botley School to 2 forms of entry as one part of the county council's strategy to meet the need for primary school places in Oxford and its immediate surrounds.


Councillor Janet Godden, speaking as a local Councillor supported the proposed expansion, commended the School for the way it had coped with the influx of young people so far and urged the provision of permanent buildings rather than temporary ones. She also referred to the problem of taxied children and Councillor Melinda Tilley, Cabinet Member for Education replied that she was investigating and hoped to resolve the problem.


Councillor Tilley in introducing the report highlighted the need for the additional places.


Cabinet in agreeing the recommendation indicated that their expectation was for the provision of permanent buildings should the expansion go ahead and that they would expect to be updated if following assessment of all the options a temporary solution was proposed.


RESOLVED: to approve the publication of a statutory notice for the expansion of Botley School, Oxford.