Decision details

Chill Out Fund 2011/12 - July 2011

Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider applications received (if any) from the Chill Out Fund.


Of the 12 applications received, the following applications (and amounts) were approved:


Chadlington Sports Club - £5,000


Frank Wise School - £1,480 subject to the masterclass running outside of school hours and it being open to other people in the community


The Vale Sport and Physical Activity Partnership - £5,000


Henley Youth Centre - £4,399


Leys CDI - £4,187.90


Parasol Project - £1,500


African Caribbean Project - £500


Fusion Lifestyle - £990


4usion Volunteers - £2,000 subject to, on their return, the participants talking to  young people, through the Early Intervention Service, about volunteering opportunities abroad


Bucknell Playing Field Association - £3,000


The Vibe and the Net - £1,320

Report author: Ruth Ashwell

Publication date: 07/09/2011

Date of decision: 05/07/2011

Decided at meeting: 05/07/2011 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families

Effective from: 13/07/2011

Accompanying Documents: